"Thanks!" Nero clearly liked the praise from his Master.
Anime & Comics · Mizuki77
Soon his hands and feet returned to normal.
Anime & Comics · Supreme_Dragon_God
Borsalino is a true bro through and through
Borsalino leaned in, lowering his voice. "Wiping out an entire island is a bit too ruthless, don't you think? It might tarnish your reputation. And besides, Fleet Admiral Kong is still the leader of the Navy. We should give him the respect he's due. As for his reputation, he has the experience to withstand it."
Anime & Comics · tambeerg
"Simu-sama, I was careless..." Two-Tails said, feeling a bit ashamed. He hadn't expected to be outwitted by a young ninja.
Anime & Comics · MoonEater8
I'm pretty sure it's called Pokemon Gym Leader
Honestly, what other flying Pokémon could compare to Dragonite in terms of sheer coziness?
Video Games · michaeI
Jokes on you I'm the oldest
Gib the powerstones ... Or I'll send Asuma after your big Sister so he can be your brother in law
Anime & Comics · Life_sa_Beach_
He really is living up to his name of the "Legendary Magnet"
Were Legendary Pokémon really this common now?!
Video Games · michaeI
I read a fanfic on here that had the main character capture Reshiram because he thought it would be a really comfy mount
Honestly, what other flying Pokémon could compare to Dragonite in terms of sheer coziness?
Video Games · michaeI
Two-Tails, feeling a bit proud but not overly so, raised his head.
Anime & Comics · MoonEater8
Witnessing his Captain's sincere laughter, Robin gently tightened her hug. After freeing her heart knot, she now felt more relaxed and comfortable being by Vermillion's side.
One Piece: Servants Summoner [EN]
Anime & Comics · Mizuki77