what is cold and hot play
But now it was suddenly informing him that he could manifest those twisted and distorted shells from within the game into reality. It felt as if a conservative girlfriend, who insisted on turning off the lights even when clapping for love, had suddenly taken an interest and wanted to try mysterious things with him, like SM, cold and hot play, and "toxic dragon drilling".
Sci-fi · Senior Brother The Sword Crafter
that's clever
"Have I reached the apex of handsomeness? Mmm, guess I still fall just a little short compared to my readers."
Sci-fi · Senior Brother The Sword Crafter
99% of gamblers quit right before they hit big
This gambler's mentality drove He Kui even more.
Anime & Comics · LegendaryTL
I think they had sex. am i right?
Overnight, the girl had grown up.
Anime & Comics · LegendaryTL
most likely
"If I want to build a sunny weather team in the future, catching a high-IV Torkoal here would be a good move," Chris thought. The other Pokémon didn't interest him much.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
Among them, two Pokémon caught his attention. Numel, which could Mega Evolve into Camerupt, and Torkoal, known as "Little Groudon," a powerful sun-weather Pokémon.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
The Pokémon living here included Machop, Grimer, Koffing, Slugma, Numel, and Torkoal.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
The Pokémon living here included Machop, Grimer, Koffing, Slugma, Numel, and Torkoal.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
The Pokémon living here included Machop, Grimer, Koffing, Slugma, Numel, and Torkoal.
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29
nice one
[Blaziken (Fire/Fighting)]
Pokémon: Starting With An Overpowered Gameboy Advance
Anime & Comics · Tempest_29