yeah it's not explained well so I just came up something myself, i made it that everyone that wants can get some superpower but made it that the greatest the powers are the harder you can get them, like how todd went through being a vegan, i also made the people of that world more relaxed and different than people, remember in a university in the sky that Ramona went teach people how enter the mind of others and all but nobody really take it seriously, it goes as far that they don't even teach it in Canada
The story is good, I can see that he would eventually clash with greek gods and all and honestly it's boring. I hope he just travel to invisible world and then come back in a time that justice are already formed but hey do whatever you want. Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter
well the Wallace of my fanfic doesn't have this kind of abilities
i can go with the planet destroying ability and galaxy but multiverse? no,
no, queen of Thorne is too much ambitious, it doesn't do anything good, she could abandon you easily, sansa or daenerys is better than them.
believe me , romance is definitely a need in DC, What's the point of all that power? i suggest Barbara or miss Martian or Starfire, but I want a serious love story, not just they see each other and fall in love so soon
Daenerys or sansa, this are the best choice. The reach is to ambitious and the queen of Thorne needs to die
you don't know? is this a translation?
Triss and ciri, it would not be harem if it's only two woman
Witcher: Rukh and Steel
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