Dang 🤣
Except the man in front of me is scowling so hard that someone just served him shit.
Urban · Altansarnai
Anyways, So what if he got such a face , his heart is still rotten.
Urban · Altansarnai
Their relationship is adorable!!!
"Look at you, you did say something right. I have such a weak memory that I forgot I got a gift for you."
Urban · Altansarnai
I wholeheartedly agree!
He was thanking me as if I saved his enemy's life. Like seriously? He could have at least appreciated it a little.
Urban · Altansarnai
thats definately a terrifying position to be in! 😅
After taking a long breath, I changed his clothes.
Urban · Altansarnai
The day was slowly winding down, and Princess Isabella found herself lost in thought. While absentmindedly scrolling through the lengthy list of contacts on her phone, her finger stopped abruptly when she came across the name Maria Garcia. An idea had been brewing in her mind for some time now, and she knew that Maria was the only person who could help make it happen.
Teen · That1lazywriter
they want her to become more responsible, and take her position more seriously. Also because shes the only child.
Isabella took a deep breath, feeling a surge of courage rising up within her. "Actually, Father," she began, her voice shaking slightly, "I'm not ready to start seeing suitors yet."
Teen · That1lazywriter
that must really suck 🥲
But this, I have been planning their engagement for the past two months, and from what I have seen, they looked madly in love.
Urban · Altansarnai
that's the dream life 😅
I spent the rest of the week as I planned. I ate , binge watched dramas and I slept a lot.
The Tale Of Our Love
Urban · Altansarnai