

male LV 13
2023-06-01 Joined Global
Original works
Badges 9

Moments 42
1 months ago

Bro instead of thinking positively and accept the things you now are worried about receiving attention. Then why the fk would you say to that Frederik things. this is hypocrisy.

Michael stared at the manager with a stupefied expression for a while. He felt the gaze of dozens lingering on him, while the manager stared intently into his eyes as well.

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Supreme Lord: I can extract everything!

Fantasy · HideousGrain

1 months ago

Bro use the monocle omg...

It was around this time that he finally saw a building with a small portion of the wall collapsed. Thanking his miserable luck finally turning, he stumbled towards the building and entered it. It was completely dark now, and except for the few flashes of lightning occasionally, Lex had no other source of light. He was a little fearful; he didn't want to enter the building without being able to see. What if he walked right into a zombie? It was then, like a revelation from the heavens, that he remembered that he had packed a flashlight.

The Innkeeper

The Innkeeper

Fantasy · lifesketcher

1 months ago

Mejora la escritura, y me gusta que tenga cabeza y paciencia el protagonista.

4 months ago

Gorgona Secundus:


The planet's atmosphere is breathable but heavy with moisture, making every breath feel thick and labored. The ground is often muddy, and sudden rain showers can turn paths into treacherous quagmires. The jungle itself is a living entity, filled with predatory plants and hidden dangers lurking behind every bush.

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

War · Chad_ultraReader

4 months ago

The face of the tech-marine:


He turned to the tech-marine, who was monitoring their route and ordered him. "Find a way to the Orks encampment, the fastest way."

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

War · Chad_ultraReader

4 months ago

Thaddeus no helmet:


As the medicae team arrived and began their work, taking Sergeant Kael to the under-construction base, Thaddeus looked out over the battlefield. The Orks were regrouping for another assault. Thaddeus took off his helmet and looked at the battlefield with a glint of rage and hatred. "You pathetic green beasts are dead," he thought, and put his helmet on. He took his bolter and prepared himself, his jaw clenched.

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

War · Chad_ultraReader

4 months ago

Chapter serfs


The Blood Angels' camp was a hive of activity. Servitors—cybernetic slaves who performed menial and maintenance tasks—and Chapter serfs—humans who served the Astartes—moved with purpose, maintaining the war machines and tending to the needs of the Astartes. Thaddeus saw the vast array of wargear and the meticulous care with which it was handled. Each piece of armor and weaponry was a work of art, combining deadly efficiency with the craftsmanship of the finest artisans.

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

War · Chad_ultraReader

4 months ago



The Blood Angels' camp was a hive of activity. Servitors—cybernetic slaves who performed menial and maintenance tasks—and Chapter serfs—humans who served the Astartes—moved with purpose, maintaining the war machines and tending to the needs of the Astartes. Thaddeus saw the vast array of wargear and the meticulous care with which it was handled. Each piece of armor and weaponry was a work of art, combining deadly efficiency with the craftsmanship of the finest artisans.

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

War · Chad_ultraReader

4 months ago

A Blood Angel in his Crimson Armor


Clad in their formidable power armor, each Blood Angel stood over seven feet tall, their bodies enhanced by the most advanced genetic engineering the Imperium had to offer. Their armor, a marvel of technology, was adorned with intricate designs and symbols of their heritage, reflecting both their martial prowess and their artistic inclinations. As they landed, their presence commanded awe and fear in equal measure, a testament to their status as the Emperor's chosen warriors.

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

War · Chad_ultraReader

4 months ago



He was a survivor of seventeen summers, who had known more hardship in his short life than most could imagine. His parents, like many others, had fallen to the ravages of the wasteland, leaving him to fend for himself in a world that showed no mercy. Thaddeus had grown strong and resourceful

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen

War · Chad_ultraReader

  • Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen original

    Blood and Honor: The Saga of Thaddeus Valen


    In the grim darkness of the 31st millennium, the Blood Angels stand as paragons of nobility and martial prowess. Among them, Thaddeus Valen rises from the ranks of initiates to become a legend. "Blood and Honor" chronicles his journey through the Great Crusade, the discovery of his Primarch, and the horrors of the Horus Heresy. This epic tale of bravery, sacrifice, and brotherhood explores the triumphs and tragedies of war, the bonds forged in battle, and the relentless pursuit of honor in the face of insurmountable odds. Join Thaddeus as he navigates the complexities of loyalty, the darkness of the Warp, and the unyielding spirit of the Blood Angels. Unofficial work. Writing this for hobby. Fan Fiction.

    11 Chs 37 Collections

  • Mi Mansion del Terror original

    Mi Mansion del Terror


    El coche fúnebre se deslizó con sigilo hasta la puerta, un olor inusual y penetrante se filtró en el aire, envolviendo el lugar en un aura de horror y misterio. El inconfundible sonido de piedras rebotando resonaban de manera inquietante en el techo, como si el mismo edificio estuviera susurrando secretos ocultos. Pasos siniestros retumbaban en el pasillo, un eco fantasmagórico que se mezclaba con el murmullo de una sierra proveniente de la habitación contigua, como un eco de eventos pasados que se resistían a ser olvidados. El pomo de la puerta del dormitorio temblaba sutilmente, como si alguien o algo intentará entrar sin ser visto, y el persistente goteo del grifo del baño agregaba una nota discordante en el ambiente, a pesar de que se sabía que estaba cerrado con firmeza. Debajo de la cama, una pelota de goma se movía de manera inexplicable, siguiendo una danza propia, ajena a las leyes de la física. El suelo empezó a revelar huellas húmedas, como marcas de un pasado que emergía de las sombras. A las 3:00 AM, Ricardo, con los nervios crispados y escalofríos en el cuerpo, se ocultó junto al calentador, aferrando un cuchillo que relucía en la tenue luz. Finalmente, la llamada que intentaba realizar fue respondida: 'Arrendador, ¿esto es a lo que querías decir con "la casa puede estar un poco concurrida por la noche"?'

    12 Chs 9 Collections

  • My Sistema Enigmatico original

    My Sistema Enigmatico


    Erik Solano, un joven de 17 años, es una figura reservada y desencantada con la sociedad. Su percepción del mundo cambió drásticamente a los 14 años, cuando descubrió la crueldad y los rincones más oscuros de la humanidad a través de internet, su curiosidad lo llevo a entrar en la 'deep web' y vio lo que no debía de ver. Decidió guardar silencio sobre estas revelaciones, concentrándose en fortalecer tanto su mente como su cuerpo. Erik se dedicó al deporte, Muay Thai, y en fortalecerse mentalmente, haciendo noFap, leyendo libros de psicología oscura, 48 leyes del poder... y el aprender hacking. Tres años después cuando tenía un nivel decente de hacking, Erik logra rastrear a un individuo despiadado que cometía atrocidades contra niños. Tras confrontarlo y dejarlo en estado de coma, entrega pruebas incriminatorias a la policía, pero inesperadamente, es enviado a un correccional. Aislado por su naturaleza fría y distante, sus padres se distancian dejándole espacio, preocupándose por él solo en la medida en que se mantenga alejado de problemas. Este suceso profundiza la desconexión de Erik con la sociedad. Se cuestiona la justicia del mundo, preguntándose por qué él es castigado cuando su acto fue, en su esencia, justo. Erik sigue dedicándose a la mejorar constantemente, enfocándose en la autodisciplina y el perfeccionamiento personal. Sin embargo, su vida toma un giro inesperado cuando adquiere un Sistema Enigmático. Este sistema otorga puntos por acciones y comportamientos que se perciben como enigmáticos, permitiéndole desbloquear y mejorar una variedad de habilidades únicas. Entre ellas se encuentran: Adquisición de Conocimientos: Absorbe rápidamente información de múltiples fuentes, desde idiomas y habilidades técnicas hasta datos históricos. Predicción del Futuro: Obtiene visiones de eventos futuros, permitiéndole tomar decisiones premeditadas y esquivar peligros. Mejora de Inteligencia: Aumenta su capacidad intelectual utilizando los puntos del sistema. Manipulación y Almacenamiento de Información: Controla la información a su disposición, pudiendo ocultarla, modificarla o revelarla según lo necesite. Sanación Mental: Usa el sistema para ayudar a sanar traumas mentales y emocionales en otros, ofreciendo apoyo emocional. Simulación de Experiencias: Simula experiencias para tomar decisiones más informadas y efectivas. Comunicación Universal: Se comunica con cualquier entidad, superando las barreras del idioma y la comunicación. "Mi Sistema Enigmático" es una historia de autodescubrimiento, justicia y el poder de la voluntad humana frente a las adversidades. A través del Sistema Enigmático, Erik se embarca en un viaje que lo llevará a cuestionar su propio papel en el mundo y la naturaleza de la justicia.

    0 Chs 6 Collections