or women
Neveah was breathtakingly beautiful, the kind of beauty that made hearts stop and kick up beating at a faster rate, a seductive but innocent looking beauty, the greatest weapon against any man.
Fantasy · JHeart
Yeah, i'm not going to lie. The mc is dumb.. She didn't think anyone would would figure it out with how obvious she was acting? Like serious, image if someone you knew for god-knows how many years suddenly changes! Not everyone is an idiot. She too hasty, too obvious, to immature.
I said nothing, my body tensing as his words confirmed what I had suspected. My cover was blown. Somehow, somewhere, he had started to piece it together that I knew.
Urban · MiuNovels
Seriously, is he the male lead?
Not just quietly, not discreetly, but coldly, publicly, with a sharp voice and dismissive wave of his hand.
Urban · MiuNovels
Is he the male lead? Cause I'm tired of seeing the same script, she wakes up and leaves with he finally regret and chases. Please tell me that's not the case right?
This paragraph has been deleted.
Urban · MiuNovels
She's too immature and hasty
The more I had to play this role, the more suffocating it became.
Urban · MiuNovels
No, they are right. If she married him and he became the Marquees, she would become his legal wife, the Marchioness
Owain, she realized, would have protected her but he would never nurture her. The work she'd done to study governance and the administration of a lord's fief were things he saw as burdens to relieve her of. One day she might gain the title of Marquess but the skills she'd developed to help her husband rule his march would be entirely wasted.
Fantasy · JustJae
What does selen look like
Even though she hated it, she couldn't defy nor fight against the Zenia family.
Fantasy · Reili
Is there any yuri in here?
That reminds me, does erin level up or not?
The lamia was covered in a red aura, triggering {The Lamia's Hunt} as she closed the distance. Neve fired off a few {Fireballs}, trying to aim her spells in such a way that they would not accidentally strike the couple.
LGBT+ · Already_In_Use
Good. Going back, the next day arrives. After a dreamless night, the 2 girls were awoken by a familiar *Beep*. The groggily rose from their beds, rubbing their ears, the turn to the noise and found it was their 'phones'. Sara stood up and grabbed it, Kalinya sat up and got hers. The latter opened her 'phone' and a hologram appeared with bunch of left message a such. She was in her own world until Sara patted her shoulder. She jolted, apologizing for getting lost. But Sara said and spoke, but non-understanding word came out. Kalinya didn't know what she was saying, as if she was speaking gibberish. Sara grinned mischievously at Kalinya's shocked face and after a few more seconds of teasing, she pointed to her night stand, her 'earring' was there. Kalinya immediately put it on in embarrassment and it glow in a faint hum, she felt a weird sensation run down her body, only a few second had pass before it stop and she spoke. Unexpectedly, a unknown language(English, now it's okay for them to speak English) flowed from her mouth, shewas shocked at speaking an 'alien' language and was also taken aback. She clenched her throat, wondering what in h*lls are happening. Sara laughed and explained to her that their earrings were updated so now they can speak Federation Alliance language. Kalinya finally understood and blush in embarrassment-which covered nearly all her body become a tomato(Lol). Once settled down, sara went inside their dress and pulled out 2 uniforms(description up to you). She handed her's and quickly got dressed. She turned, only to find Kalinya in her undergarments(black tank top and spats), fiddling the uniform. She asked if she needed help, the latter said yes and helped her get dressed. They went out the room and to the cafeteria
Ayoi quietly breathed a sigh of relief.
Rebirth: The Universe's Hidden Heiress
Sci-fi · Treein