
LV 1
2023-04-30 Joined Global
Moments 2
1 years ago

The fanfic is really enjoyable and the writing quality is actually strangely good for this kinda thing. the MC does stupid things now and again but ultimately he isn't braindead and is simply over-paranoid to a fault at times. One time he wasted the opportunity to scale up a stat to high levels which was stupid but was later explained as him fearing Kurama finding him out and ruining things which i accepted. author mends and explains the smallest of plot holes like that later on in a decent manner and the plot itself is getting more interesting now that MC's actually trying to conquer the Naruto world. overall pretty good with some flaws that can be forgiven.

1 years ago
Replied to Siqui

it only happened like one time and then he never did it again tho