Great chapters. And thank you for fueling our addiction to the story.
"Time to finish this," Jet nodded at the other Saint. She winked at Noble. "Thanks for the assist. See you on the other side!"
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
Happy Birthday!! Thanks for the chapters. We will eat cake in your honor.
Thanks for the chapters. If we hear from you tomorrow, or not, have a great vacation.
Something was happening.
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
Great chapters. Thank you for the work you put into this.
Thanks for the new chapters. Amazing writing, as usual.
Thank you! That was an amazing read. So glad to hear there will be more.
Amazing work. Thank you.
"Change of plans. Again. We need to get everyone to the north side of the city. If I'm not mistaken, the earth is about to split in two…"
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
Enjoying the story. Hating the cliffhangers. Can't wait for tomorrow. Great job.
While the mysterious messenger did not seem to have an Aspect related to foresight, his unfortunate vision would all too soon come true.
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee
I remember them! Blizzard was always bugging us. So I must do my duty: Glory!
"Welcome to the home of my mother and the beginning of your new life under the protection of Clan Song. I am Seishan." The lady dipped her head, earning a small round of applause from those present. "And with me, I have General Blizzard and General Derby. The three of us will be escorting you to Ravenheart and your new life. Is everyone ready?"
The Noble Queen-A Shadow Slave Fanfic
Book&Literature · NobleQueenBee