soon, I only have time to write on weekends and lately weekends been occupied.
I'm confused, is Gwen related to out MC or not. Otherwise sweet home Alabama if you try to ship them.
I'll try, been very busy on weekends and that's my only time to write
hope we see more
soon, I've been busy on weekends and sadly that's my only free time.
soon, just been very busy lately on the weekends and haven't had much time
Sorry if I'm taking a while to post another chapter. Been so busy these past weeks.
"If I'm now Metal then where am I? Metal Sonic is an enemy of Sonic the Hedgehog. But this doesn't resemble any scenario in the Sonic franchise". I pondered to myself on what to do but I sadly already know what I have to do. It's just I'm not sure if I'm ready to discover where I am, but I can't stay here forever. So with a heavy heart I walked out of the room. So far from what I can tell I'm in some kind of facility. I only have theories but obviously this body I now inhabit was built here. For what purpose is yet to be seen. I've finally made it to the door as I passed at the exit as I mentally prepared myself for what I might find outside these doors. I pushed the exit door open only to be stunned in silence. It was dark out, the temperature was obviously low from the ice and snow. However what catches my eyes, or I guess my visors now, is more skeletons littering around the area. But most importantly the familiar disassembled drones that lay inactive and destroyed that too littered the ground. I knew where I am, I know what world I reside on, and it scares me. I'm in the world of Murder Drones. I'm so screwed. . .
Video Games · mason_hall
Pennywise in Supernatural. Alright I'm interested, I wonder if there will be more crossovers like Teen Wolf or something. Though I don't think vampire diaries would work since in supernatural there are already the l first vampires and stuff.
Hi everyone this is the author speaking. This is my first fan-fiction so I hope I'm not doing too badly. I would encourage anyone reading to critic my work. Though I ask that you try to critic the story without insults please. Like maybe the story is too short, or my spelling could use some work, The characters don't sound like themselves, it's too corny, ect. All I ask is don't out right say something like, this is stupid, You're a terrible writer, something between the line. I'm just writing for fun, so please don't be too harsh. But I also would like to know what you would like to see in this story. So please do comment on what you would like to see. Thank you.
Don't take this too personally but I can't bring myself to keep reading it. The reason is simple, it's a Harem story. This is just my preference but anytime I see a Harem story I drop the story no matter how interesting it maybe. Why? Because anytime I read a Harem story the moment the character starts a Harem it becomes both unrealistic and boring. Unrealistic because unless it's an anime story based around a Harem it feels forced and way too convenient that the women in the story who would never agree to a Harem even in a DC comic suddenly were all like "yeah we'll share you". To make it worse then they'll be all like "we don't mind that more girls join". So then it ends up feeling like a game of pokemon. But instead of collecting pokemons you're collecting hot girls. And thus enters my second reason why I don't like Harem story, they eventually become boring. Because then it goes from reading an interesting story to a story about collecting hot women. Including women who aren't hot in any media but in a Harem story the coincidentally become hot just for the protagonists to say they got more hot girls in a Harem. And that's when the story becomes too dull and lifeless to read. Like in a world of DC, realistically, do you actually see someone like Poison Ivy and Super Girl agreeing to share the same man and agree to allow him to get like 20 or more women to join the Harem. So I say this, if you haven't gotten that far with the Harem aspect I would honestly suggest him to be with just one lover. And in this case just let it just be with Raven and that's it. So that way we can see actual development in the relationship without feeling empty or dull. But that's my opinion, if you can read Harem stories and like them then power to you. But I just can't handle it.
Shadow Monarch in DC
Anime & Comics · FrenzyAren