SilentNight23 - Profile



male LV 14
2023-03-11 Joined Global

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Nvm. Daenerys would clap hard on fire resistance XD

But as time passed, the warmth intensified, eventually giving way to a burning sensation.

Game Of Thrones: I Became a Crown Prince For a Day

Game Of Thrones: I Became a Crown Prince For a Day

TV · MohaXx


Send them on a suicide run against the marines lol

Obviously it wouldn't be good to just kill off your subordinates just because they hold a different opinion, well maybe one or two is fine once in a while but definitely not a whole group. That's definitely a big taboo. 

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei

Replied to WalterHeisenberg

It was mentioned he was a scientist but was it mentioned he watch one piece? I can’t remember

Linlin's mind instantly raced, she did not think that it was his fruit ability that allowed him to penetrate through her skin so the likely suspect was haki? Was there something that she wasn't aware of? 

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei


Snake Emperor? You mean Warlord? Hancock was a Shichibukai only not an Emperor of the Sea.


Charlotte Linlin who was seventeen was already a very stunning looking woman which was no less than a certain narcissistic snake emperor in the future, Her towering figure with fiery pink hair that cascaded down her broad shoulders. Her caramel eyes, a mix of innocence and ferocity, could sparkle with mischief or turn icy cold. Her smile, when looking towards the camera could capture the heart of any gender because it was so dazzling. 

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei



'Do I need to find a way to change my gender?' Linlin, who originally did not care much about the change of gender, began thinking about it. 

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei

Replied to Shub_Niggurath

It should be called Emperor of the Sea. Not a Pirate King. Only one that hold that title is Roger and Rocks was a runner up for it but not Shiki

Golden Lion Shiki, the future Pirate King, his gaze sharp and piercing, surveyed the group with a sardonic smirk. "Jiehahaha! I have a very brilliant idea. How about appointing a vice captain of the group?"

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei

Replied to RagingVortex


Finally, there was Charlotte Odin, the youngest and most enigmatic of the artificial children. His appearance, a blend of various races, defied categorization, making him a symbol of Charlotte Linlin's mastery over genetic manipulation. Linlin had the highest hopes for his potential, hoping when he grows up fully he may surprise her. 

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei

Replied to Kurama24

I thought Mink? Not a mermaid

Charlotte Cassiopeia, the fourth child, bore the ethereal beauty and enigmatic nature of the Mink tribe. Her senses, heightened by the infusion of a legendary mink's soul, granted her the advantages of the mink tribe including electro and the sulong form. 

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei


Well there’s goes my reason why they are called Big Mom. Thought they name themselves but seems they didn’t so who thought about having the mom there. Should had Big Linlin by then.

The receiver was then hung up and Streuson had a serious look on his face. Although he didn't know when they were known as the BIG MOM pirate group, it didn't matter what mattered was that the admiral was coming for them! 

I Became BIG MOM!?

I Became BIG MOM!?

Anime & Comics · GoogaluSensei


I thought John was with him and survive at that time? Unless what I said about Trigon taking over and killing him was right?


Mark just chuckled at her attitude before leaning back and closing his eyes. Even if she didn't talk he appreciated her company; Mark had struggled with the guilt that came with being the sole survivor of the boating accident. At night he would lay awake wondering if he could've saved them, he could rip a tree out of the ground and yet he couldn't save a single person... not even John. There were times he'd feel close to breaking down and during those times she'd come in and sit down to read her book; he knew she must've been able to tell when he felt this way as it was a bit too much of a coincidence that she did it every time.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Huh?? What’s happening. I feel like I miss a whole entire chapter


"Help me! Help me!" A young man said in Mandarin, but as he approached Kara she raised her hand and swiped it to the left, decapitating the man as a result.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to omic

What are the chances Trigon took over and just murdered the guy. RIP John

Mark didn't know how long he had walked before he got back into town, but with his clothing torn and his entire body still soaked he made for quite the sight in the centre of town. He was immediately taken to Bayview Hospital where they warmed him up with blankets and contacted Amelia and the Evans family. Mark was dreading seeing them again, how could he tell them that John was dead.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed



No lightning bolt came, the connection Mark had to the rock of eternity had withered away and the powers of Shazam had left him. Mark looked down as he saw Doomsday lift the Red sphere off him and throw it back at Mark who flew out of the way.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to OldDaoistTruly

Probably. A Rognars wasn’t able to damage the walls and ceiling of the maze structure so it might have been able to tank that explosion

Mark killed the criminal who was attacking him and flew directly to Kara to make sure she got out. Mark saw the Heroes start filing out much to the criminal's confusion; they quickly assumed that they had forced the heroes to retreat and were celebrating their victory. Mark, Kara and Kori as well as some others flew out of the ceiling high up into the air. Not long afterwards a large black sphere grew before engulfing the entire palace, when it dissipated the entire palace, as well as a good chunk of the earth was gone.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Nooooooooooo don’t nerf him


Mark frowned as he looked at his arms, they still sparked with lightning but it wasn't as bright as it was before. Mark looked up as he heard Black Adam laughing at him "You've strayed too long away from the Rock of Eternity, I don't know how you got the powers of Shazam, but it seems you won't have them for much longer," He said before rushing towards Mark and sending a flurry of strikes in his direction.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

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