very_interesting - Profile


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2023-02-05 Joined Global

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Risking ur life for a random person you met less than a day ago just because you think they have crazy determination is such an Akaza thing to do. Can't wait to see how this teacher student relationship works even though it's going to hurt me every time I remember Ali's a demon.

A ghastly sound of flesh being piercing. Ali's eyes wide, blood dripped. Akaza stood in the way of Muzan and Ali. Muzan's arm lodged right through Akaza's body. Akaza's face crumpled in face, his breaths deep. He groaned and turned his head to face the King of Demons.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel


The fact that he thinks death is the best choice is just so sad


Eira trying to gaslight herself 😭

She hadn't become a failure. She hadn't failed her goal. Ali was still alive. And if she wasn't close with Ali anyways, even if he died. The goal would still remain intact. It was a rather crude way to think about the situation. But Eira hadn't known Ali for long regardless. She could only offer sympathy now, now that Ali was a demon, she had to do what had to be done. Although it would hurt her at the time. Eira looked at the sky, which was a light blue.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel


R.I.P Wooden Sword, goofy but loved


When Eira finds out it's Ali 💀

"He'd be strong. Fair, quiet and calm. And then he would be very kind and would never use violence even if someone deserved it, like a true gentleman. He would work as a florist, always supporting Asumi. And most importantly he'd be very patient, being able to wait for Asumi patiently for however long she took to get back from her missions." Eira thought of the ideal guy for Asumi.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel


Find it cute that all of the gang have some issues regarding communication, Eira is oblivious, Asumi is shy and Ali won't shut up

She could fight demons with ease, she could respond to people with ease. But the one thing she struggled with was starting a conversation. She was sure it had ruined her chance for big opportunities. Like the time her 10 year old self wanted to ask her mum if she could earn pay for her labour in the flower field, but had no idea how to bring it up. It wasn't til she was 13, when her mum brought it up herself. However, by that time, Asumi spent less time in the flower fields, she slowly spent more time training with the old lady. Asumi's heart hurt whenever she thought of the old lady. She didn't like to admit it, but she had no idea what had happened to her, whether she died, got lost, left the town completely or even got killed by a demon. She hated to think about it.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel


Man is barely recovered and he's performing combat tricks 💀

Ali's body dashed forward in a blur, his feet somehow kicking off the low-angle floor, his sword connecting with the dummy's neck. A loud sound of piercing and creaking as Ali's sword wedged into the dummy. Ali looked back at both of them with a slight expression of victory.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel


Just imagining Eira standing there, staring at Asumi wide eyed. Like all blue eyed people do. WE GET IT YOU HAVE BLUE EYES

Asumi cleared her throat, the overbearing pressure rushed over her. Eira's big blue eyes pierced her and made her even more nervous. Eira just sort of stared at her, waiting while admiring how the soft pink aura fluctuated.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel



"If I turn into a demon. Will you leave them... alone?" Ali croaked. Asumi screamed out in disapproval. She was saying something inaudible to Ali. Her voice didn't get to Ali. Neither did Akaza's. The last sight he saw was Akaza's face in joy. His eyes slowly dropped. He felt a hand go around his back. Then air rushed across his face. Then nothing. Pitch black. It felt like he was in a bubble, a bubble that drifted through nothingness for eternity.

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Amare Flos (Demon Slayer)

Anime & Comics · YourTearsAreMyFuel



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