"A.N.G.E.L, contact Wanda and Pietro, its time for a training session." Maxim said, getting up and moving to the training room.
Movies · StrikerAuthor
All as a tribute to the creator who had made their childhoods and lives fun with the worlds he had created, "I see... this universe will live on and thrive, thanks to the many lives it has inspired, entertained, and most of all taught so many lessons to.
Book&Literature · Kurogano
"What?... I see... this universe is weeping for its creator, like a child crying out for its father..".
Book&Literature · Kurogano
Nejire had thrown herself at Harry the moment she saw him and hugged his head into her chest in glee, causing the surprised dragon god to flail his arms around "Harry! I've missed you so much!".
Book&Literature · Kurogano
[Unreasonable Hate : HERE ]
Anime & Comics · Marveller
[ Need Spoilers? : HERE ]
Anime & Comics · Marveller
Wanda narrowed her eyes and Pietro bleughed.
Anime & Comics · Marveller
how the hell would a void beast know about geng sign? ?
He found it so bizarre that their mages cast magic through gang signs instead of magic circles, but he was not one to judge.
Anime & Comics · ExistentialVoid
can i have the list of said 10 stories.
"Alright then," he muttered, pulling the triggers in quick succession, "It's time to fight!"
Marvel: Video Game Templates!
Movies · StrikerAuthor