Would be better if author understood human psychology. This is one of those novel where mc goes to traumatic events/ technically lives for thousands of years but keeps the same mentality.
Oof not a fan of this development, getting tortured for 100k years cant even be described. I cant imagine the mental state of mc but here he is talking like it was just a slight pain that lasted a few seconds. Incredible lazy writing
"What even is this barrier? Oh, it's my cocoon, that explains everything. Like hell it does! What kind of breakthrough cocoon is this? It traps me in here for ten years, distorts time by 10,000 times, made me absorb all matter in the range of 1000 square kilometers and forced me to undergo ungodly torture. Why am I so unlucky? 'But Samuel, it means your talent is really, really strong. This is clearly a good thing'. Shut up! Why did I have to suffer for 100,000 years to obtain it? Am I not a transmigrator? How is it cheating if I have to pay such a disastrous price for it, as well as use time to obtain it?"
Fantasy · Abyss_of_Infinity
Has good potential for now. My review migh change once he gets out of the secret realm.
This book has been deleted.
Author will this become an harem trash? Because It seems to be the case at this point, every character introduced that has any importance to the plot is a woman and the mc is very merciful towards his women enemies. Hope it doesnt become one.
(Killing Nian Tao Tao is probably not possible since I still need to give face to my associate, but choosing to run after what had just happened doesn't sit well with me. Even if I can't claim a head, I'll at least rip a chunk of flesh off.)
Fantasy · YatogamiSakuya
Author I think that there is a problem with the chapter’s order (ch. 125 should be ch.124 and vice-versa)
Great work author, cant wait for the next volume,
Awesome as always
Maybe a little explanation could be good.
Note: Let me know If you want me to go into deeper detail on the new professions and such introduced in this chapter. I will may or may not go into further detail so I'm asking for your opinions.
Fantasy · AdOtherwise
Also i would like to add that i dont usually leave reviews on good novels as i think that a good work doesnt need one. So dont expect many comments from me, but i wanted to at least show my support.
Shouldn’t he have the providence of every cultivator? It would make more sense than just the human race.
Additionally, although he could sense that it had no effect on him, Zhou Fan seemed to contain the providence of the human race.
The First Cultivator - Changing Existence
Fantasy · Han_Jue_Fan