Shows how easy warfare can be when you are fighting a simplistic creature like this. A pig is only slightly higher a being than a Japanese person.
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed
Deep verse
zhēnxiāng yǐ cóng yōuyǎ zhōng zhuìluò."
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed
If this attack doesn't end in my victory, I blame the Japanese's cursed lands for it!
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed
Thanks for the chapter!
Such wisdom in MC
Wait, wasn't she an Egyptian Queen? Why would this white woman go and become a Queen in Africa? Ah, of course, the answer is elementary. Like all white women, she wants to be set upon by a herd of young black bucks. Never underestimate the desire of white women for BBC. This is why the West was always doomed to fail, giving way to the superior Han Chinese. Their women will sell out civilization in order to fit in with their black savage partners, leaving white men eternally cucked. I am personally not religious, but I think that there is a clear sign of Providence in how cunningly the West has been made to work its own undoing and set the stage for Chinese takeover.
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed
A dreadful thought. She must perish.
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed
Thanks for the chapter!
Delaying the character customization for now, he instead switched over to look at the stats of a character whose name he had heard before, named Daisuki.
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed
lmao 'orc'
Although things were going according to plan, he was trying in vain to figure out a fitting end to the tower challenge. The final boss currently in the game seemed like a let-down, just a large female orc named Kamala. She might be an annoyance for players, but nothing more serious than that.
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed
More Heimrich plzzz author
Anime & Comics · MostLikelyToExceed