In a world besieged by monsters from another dimension, Sentinels, extraordinary heroes wielding superpowers, stand as the last line of defense, shielding humanity from imminent destruction. This story unfolds the story of a young Filipino who aspires to become the Grand Sentinel. Despite harboring dreams of heroism, he faces two significant challenges: the absence of any superhuman abilities and his humble birth into a low-class family.
The trajectory of his life takes an unexpected turn when one fateful day, he stumbles upon a high-tech sphere that plummets from the sky. This serendipitous encounter becomes a pivotal moment, altering the course of his future and presenting a unique opportunity for him to transcend the limitations of his ordinary existence.
Alto Aether, a 14-year-old school student, was transported to another world along with his classmates after a blinding light swallowed them in their calssroom. However, Alto's body reverted back into a 4-year-old with his his five senses taken away from him. He was left alone in the dungeon until surprisingly, someone called out to him.