Aliya_Anna - Profile


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2022-11-20 Joined Global

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Replied to srilatharao

Replied to Aliya_Anna

And i also don't think she makes everything about her, i think she just wants to be included. take an example when she said she will always be a hank, and all ladies felt like she was taking the situation personally. she made a valid point even though it didn't sit well with others.

"You are a work in progress. Remember we talked about your feeling of insecurity before we started our relationship. I told you then and I will remind you now that you are more than enough for me. You are everything I've ever wanted and more. I love you, not in spite of your clinginess, but because of it. It shows me how much you care and how deeply you love me, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. I understand that you would rather spend all of your time with me, and I assure you I feel the same way too. But we can work on being able to spend some time apart if it will help you feel better about yourself. For now, let's go attend the wedding, we can talk more about it later," Harry said as he kissed the top of her nose.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour

Replied to Danielle_Rothman

you're right that it wasn't his secret to tell, but i didn't like how he responded when she wanted to join the private meeting. trust me, Tom wouldn't reply to Lucy that way, neither Brian. and jade too wouldn't reply that way to Harry. he might try to understand her now, but his also a root cause of this specific insecurity. he knew about her insecurities but blocked any simple explanation to her. if tables were turned and it was jade who behaved that way towards Harry, we would see how that goes. i trust he hasn't been in such a situation.

"You are a work in progress. Remember we talked about your feeling of insecurity before we started our relationship. I told you then and I will remind you now that you are more than enough for me. You are everything I've ever wanted and more. I love you, not in spite of your clinginess, but because of it. It shows me how much you care and how deeply you love me, and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. I understand that you would rather spend all of your time with me, and I assure you I feel the same way too. But we can work on being able to spend some time apart if it will help you feel better about yourself. For now, let's go attend the wedding, we can talk more about it later," Harry said as he kissed the top of her nose.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour

Replied to chew_jeslyn

well, Harry had to dig her mind by threatening to investigate her life or she tell who she was. now his asking to become her knight. i believe Matt tried so hard for candace after enforcing himself in her life. how easy for her to forget the people she's close to now and how they handle things.

"I agree with Sony. Whether or not she is hiding something shouldn't be your problem. And if Harry knows it as you claim, and is not doing anything about it, it must mean she doesn't mean any harm. So let it go," Candace said, giving Jade a pointed look through the rearview mirror and she sighed.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour

Replied to Jigna_Parghi

😁😁she isn't slow, but she keeps missing lessons from her hiding period and being a working mom. of course, she might have some retakes. but hey, i believe she's smart from being Aaron's child.

"How are you even in law school when you can't read a person's body language? Trust me, Mia is hiding something. Where is Tyler based?" Jade asked Lucy curiously.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour


i really don't like how these ladies speak to Jade. she's being more friendly to them by even seeking out their advice or ideas, but they come off rude. sonia here is speaking as if she's fighting her.

"Enough to know that whatever she is hiding is not your business. Leave it alone, Jade. Stay out of Mia's business. Whether or not she is hiding something is not your business. She hasn't caused any trouble for Bryan or you, so stay out of her business. I can assure you she isn't interested in Harry. So, leave her alone," Sonia said sternly and Lucy nodded with approval.

One Wild Night

One Wild Night

Urban · Miss_Behaviour

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