“Too” much 40K Lore but I agree
After waking up, I began thinking back on my experiences in this world thus far. I'll admit I'm slightly confused. I didn't expect Serafall to be as... sadistic as she is. Maybe it's a side effect of the war.
Anime & Comics · Gondol
Why is everyone forgetting the hydra agent that turned him self into a ai?
The security chief nodded. "Evan Mercer is known for his work in biotechnology, artificial intelligence, and data encryption. He has the resources and the intelligence to pull off an operation like this. He's the only one capable of this level of infiltration."
Bro that’s no joking matter (lol).
"Uh… my hands get cold easily," I stammered, cursing inwardly at how obvious my lie sounded.
Anime & Comics · Orael
I as a autstic person perfer acoustic
"I understand the story of these beings a bit better now. The queen and her lover only wanted to have an adventure together, but because of the humanoid Phrases who desired the queen's power for themselves, these tragedies happen," said Aiden, clenching his fists as he looked at Yog-Sothoth with determination in his eyes.
Anime & Comics · Barbatos_18
Every time he thought about the innocent people dying for such selfish reasons, something inside him broke, and rage drove him to want to destroy those monsters.
Anime & Comics · Barbatos_18
I know that but I was just saying it is there
Lava-like light framed a figure dressed in onyx armour, grey pieces of lightsaber resistant material draped languidly over the top of the black under-suit, cybernetics extending up the neck to the jawline of a truly beautiful woman. Red button graced several elements of the armour, armguards sleek but intimidating that narrowed into black latex gloves. Her eyes glowed a deep orange, her pupils dark ominous voids of redish-yellow.
Video Games · Alex_Simmonds
"We'll head to my house for now, I don't know how to teleport to Charles's mansion." – Morgan
Video Games · InfamousFudge_Yt
Dropping down I liquefy myself and slide through the door like the T-1000 in the second terminator movie. Looking around the interior of the building I see a few shipping containers cluttering the floor, walking up to them I spread my hands out to increase the surface area for contact and begin pushing them towards the wall.
Video Games · InfamousFudge_Yt
"Surprised?" A kind, sagely old man sitting at a table before him chuckled. "Your actions accumulated a great deal of good karma. After all, you were the key reason World War III didn't start."
The Shadow Monarch In The Marvel World
Anime & Comics · itachi1010