My little pony with JJK system.
Anime & Comics · ShixT9
Young Bulma most likely wouldn’t mind if you were a pervert if you were handsome.
From the middle of some rubble, Akira emerged, walking slowly towards them, while trying to hide his intense gaze from Bulma.
Anime & Comics · GalTheInjustice
Didn’t think I’d see you here.
The man makes a thoughtful expression, scratching his short beard "You know, you're not the first one to ask me this, in fact the list is quite extensive... What do you think about being a human with great potential and a special ability?"
Anime & Comics · GalTheInjustice
"Of course, My first wife will be Shang Xin Ci—a perfect, pure girl who has true love for me."
Book&Literature · Coreal_2
Akame ga kill?
"Hm?" Only belatedly did their gazes catch on to the abnormality as the ground ruptured with a violent burst, accompanied by a deep and earth-shaking roar. Emerging from the breach was a colossal creature — a Class-1 Danger Beast, to be precise — an earth dragon.
Anime & Comics · NimtheWriter
Thanks for the chapter.
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I really like this version of Global Reincarnation more than the original. Please post more chapters.
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Yeah, cause Eris is the goddess of luck
Kazuma couldn't believe what he had just heard. Aqua had managed to convince the gods and goddesses to agree to do this funny game. On top of that, she chose Kazuma's favorite game, in which he had only ever lost once in his life to the Goddess of Luck, Eris.
Anime & Comics · Kasumigaseki
Thanks gor the chapter and happy new years in a few hours.
Minecraft: loading new world
Video Games · EnderStar