Know_the_Unknown - Profile


LV 4

This is a reader. Not a bookworm type, just a typical reader you can find anywhere.

2022-10-01 Joined Global

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Title detected

After giving Genos an envious look and hurriedly running out of his apartment, Saitama said, "tch, lucky you." Genos was left waving his hand and wishing Saitama success as he was left behind.

I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man

I got reincarnated in the world of One Punch Man

Anime & Comics · InstaMoist


I think its's *I adore you*

Maybe you see this corny and stupid but i are you from the bottom of my heart, I never see a noble and elegant lady like you.... promise crosses my heart.

Anime Mashup

Anime Mashup

Anime & Comics · LittleApple


Rearrange the word 'user' = 'sure'

Lou is pretty user that they are all expert hunter from their weapon to their clothing

Anime Mashup

Anime Mashup

Anime & Comics · LittleApple


It was the Author who initiated it...

This whole time Julian had spent with Skyla, she acted like a tool for Julian rather than a person who is carving for love, she just wanted to get used, this can be considered as brainwashing by some people by Julian but he was not the one who initiated it.

Journey Towards Greatness

Journey Towards Greatness

Anime & Comics · Evil_God_ZARAKH


Jin somehow became Gilgamesh

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