Para cuando la continuacion del fic?
Buen capítulo maestro Estaría bueno que alargaras un poco mas los capitulos y que avanzaras un poco mas la trama. A medida que seguís este ritmo no termina más una parte como por ejemplo el banquete de los dioses
Is it long before I return to danmachi?
Che flaco/a trabaja Tenés que hacer más capítulos
Hermoso empiezo tuvo la historia Sería grandioso que pudieras seguirla
At least give the reading an ending, a reading with an ending is more satisfying than one without an ending. It ends up being garbage. I'm not asking you to translate, give closure to something you invested in, it doesn't matter if it's not how it should be.
Honestly, I would have loved if you would have followed it a bit more, expanded on it, and made the most of your project. I really liked your novel, especially since it is adapted to the world of the walking dead. Too bad you had to rush things, but it's still an entertaining read. Although those chapter times killed me because I wanted to keep reading and find out what was going to happen next. It was a pleasure to have read your work, I hope that with this you pave the way and improve what you have to improve in your next projects. I will be attentive to your next novels 🤠
Honestly, I would have loved if you would have followed it a bit more, expanded on it, and made the most of your project. I really liked your novel, especially since it is adapted to the world of the walking dead. Too bad you had to rush things, but it's still an entertaining read. Although those chapter times killed me because I wanted to keep reading and find out what was going to happen next. It was a pleasure to have read your work, I hope that with this you pave the way and improve what you have to improve in your next projects. I will be attentive to your next novels 🤠
Te equivocaste de episodios
Danmachi: Strongest Familia
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