Uhh... I'll just write the songs one time and then if he sings it any other time, I won't write it. Free words for me so I'll never complain.
In my language, father is Pa and its pronounced sort of like Paw, so I made his way of addressing his father Pah. :)
"No, Pah. Why the hell did you put a bass sound there?! It won't go with the vibe of the song."
Music & Bands · NobodyWillNotice
xD I meant it as... You know if someone's voice cracks, it's written with both caps and lowers, so when you typed like that; I asked if your fingers are going through puberty cause their voice (Typing) is cracking. :)
"Tsk." Daniel clicked his tongue in frustration and quickly ended his shower. "YoU'rE TaleNtLEss." He mocked while getting dressed. "Uh-huh. And you are stupid, Mr. Fancy suit."
Music & Bands · NobodyWillNotice
I like you so far :)
Fingers going through puberty?
"Tsk." Daniel clicked his tongue in frustration and quickly ended his shower. "YoU'rE TaleNtLEss." He mocked while getting dressed. "Uh-huh. And you are stupid, Mr. Fancy suit."
Music & Bands · NobodyWillNotice
No! No more! I DONT CARE!
"Your tongue?" asked Izuku, fully aware that Tsuyu could extend her tongue roughly 20m. After all, when he inspected someone's status, he gained intuitive knowledge of their listed Quirks.
Anime & Comics · Einlion
If that's how you see it, then... I will be developing Grimmjow's personality into the slight battle junkey side, and also, when he gets comfortable in the world, he'll be more rash and rushing into things, but he knows when to think things out.
Choose wisely my Padawans]
Anime & Comics · NobodyWillNotice
Always win you say? I control this book. And last time I checked, I am one of the Harem Sect's enemies!
I see the dark side has clouded you. But fine, young Acolytes, I will edit the thing and add the option of Harem.
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · NobodyWillNotice
South Africa :)
"No, Pah. Why the hell did you put a bass sound there?! It won't go with the vibe of the song."
My Talent System in an alternate Earth
Music & Bands · NobodyWillNotice