A dark, ancient, and powerful force threatens the long-standing peace and harmony at Arckwar Academy–a prominent and elite supernatural boarding school for Warlocks, Werewolves, Gifteds, and Vampires. While its students, professors, and militia prepare to defend and attack, the Four Pillars of Arckwar arguably acknowledge that the young Warlock, Legacie Volguardsen, a low-grade delinquent with severe trust issues and psychopathic tendencies, holds the key to preventing the darkness from reigning over Arckwar and the entire continent.
Prime Peak Gardens, small mountain town. Golden Crown Pack. Eight Werewolf - Warlock Hybrid Sisters, Harleen, Yvannia, Leiyana, Nathali, Janally, Vitoria, Morgana and Lucille dive high and low searching for an ancient powerful stone known to resurrect the dead and the ultimate key to solving the mysterious and gruesome murder of six werewolves and four missing ones. Students by day and sleuths by night. Will the sisters be able to find the stone and capture the monster mastermind before it resurrects its dark master?