hmmm, your theory is actual very similar to mine, just in an indirect manner, my theory is that Amare already touches on the source of the power of Martial Transcendents, similar to how Rui had a nascent Martial Mind as a Martial Apprentice, there is nothing preventing on from using the power of a higher realm, and in order to transcend, one must utilize the material realm to the fullest, and only then can they utilize the endless power of the materia, which Amare can only harness a spark of for now, and transcend reality as one knows it
this is stupid, if anyone ever used a genjutsu on him he is dead
The only reason Fuji had remained unscathed was due to a jutsu he had planted in his own mind: if foreign chakra invaded his brain, it would detonate his Byakugan, triggering the Caged Bird Seal and destroying his nerves and memories.
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
eh, they could just be far away, plus, not all eyes are equal, some could just see further away than others
Upon reaching the location, he didn't find his comrades but was instead met by eleven Mist ninjas, including three Jonin!
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
that is true, which is why Rui said himself that there would be better options that would be in the top 1000, so while he is guaranteed to be gifted genetically to some degree due to his lineage, as he said himself, there would be better options
From the comments I would lean towards Rui saying no, if he really wanted a better body he could just ask the Divine Doctor to upgrade it some more, which he would do without a problem, plus, did you guys forget about his squire evolution technique, all he needs to do is get back to Kandria and speak with the Divine Doctor and the Physical Evolution guy and maybe speak to the esoterist and just get a bunch of data on how squire evolutions work, easily considering just who he is, and boom, he gets something way better, so he does not really need to be that concerned over the quality of his body... that was a bit of a weird thing to say
I am pretty sure that Leyasu was mentioned to have a majority of his neurons be mirror neurons, which basically is monkey see monkey do, and since he has so many he can do what he does, but I agree, this is fundamentally the principle of the blood goddess so I can see why she was named that, they would be an absolute monster if they were all of that
no, at the beginning of the story it was mentioned that was interesting, it was not exactly unique, there have been many other cases before
true, I did not think on that, he could likely easily do it, it may not even help him since the divine doctor already upgraded his martial body and it may not help much just due to them overlapping in how they upgrade the body
The Breathless Beauty will be from this nation, I wonder if there will be anything that is the equivalent of the Scriptures of Tera here, I doubt it, but it is an interesting thing to think about
The Martial Unity
Action · Lord_Streak