Finally someone used gallade as a Pokémon, everyone be using gardevoir
I pick it because no one important used even though it was the Psuedo Legendary
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Jangmo- o
I seen that creature before. The pseudo legendary from the land of Aloha. The Creature from my egg was Jangmo-o!
Anime & Comics · SakaHeatran
It a different Tobias
I have seen his 6 Pokémon. It consists of Chirzard, Raichu, Gengar, Gyrados, Alakazam, Machamp. His team is pretty stacked but I don't know enough about Giovanni. I know he the leader of Team Rocket and he was once a candidate for champion but decided he was fine with his Gym Leader position.
Pokemon: Rising Star
Anime & Comics · SakaHeatran