That means the Dursley’s are taking in over 140k usd a year and they still shoved our boy in a closet
Every month, Petunia made an extra £3,000—nearly a third of her husband's salary.
Book&Literature · michaeI
betraying the grind is a cardinal sin
As for training the hard way? That was simply out of the question. The group was filled with powerful figures who could help him bypass the need for hard training.
Anime & Comics · SparkyXD
Bro moved on from his horse real quick
Kane declared, standing on top of the Hellhound's flaming head, hands stretched out in defiance and confidence.
Anime & Comics · Saintbarbido
His dad is the the god of storms I think ther is some leeway
"Alright, now all we have to do is create the animagus potion shown here and you drink it." Hecate showed Percy the potion and the demigod groaned.
Book&Literature · SageOF016
Percy went to his newly furnished room and stripped. Once he was down to his boxers he curled into his bed and began to remember.
Book&Literature · SageOF016
Swish and flick
Percy nodded. Hecate pointed her wand at one of the books on the table, she flipped her wand in the form of a reverse 's' and pointed at the book, "Wingardium Leviosa."
Book&Literature · SageOF016
He must have crazy long arms the forearms are normaly around 10inches and his want is 15
Percy nodded as he quickly wore the strap on his left hand and slid the wand into place. The wand fit perfectly with his forearm length allowing Percy to move his arm freely without clipping the wand.
Book&Literature · SageOF016
"Apologize," Hecate said, though her smirk told him she didn't really feel sorry. "Now, let's find your new home shall we?"
Book&Literature · SageOF016
Is this hero for real
"Ordinary people built their first hundred-thousand-seat stadium decades ago."
Book&Literature · michaeI
Bro threw away sokkas only spear too
'Calm down. What should I do for my spear?' Kanuk sighed as he rubbed his head in frustration. He continued hinting at fish with the rowing pad, still stabbing through fish effortlessly.
The Backbender (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1