Unfazed by the ominous aura released by the Demon, Ryou pointed the Nichirin sword at the demon and uttered, "Come!"
Anime & Comics · FanficMortal
"First High School, third year, Ms. Watanabe Mari."
Anime & Comics · EclypseX
It might be due to his extremely handsome appearance, but he looked extremely reliable and gallant by just standing there now that he knew what responsibilities he had. Even he was dazed momentarily by his appearance.
Anime & Comics · EclypseX
Come to think of it, it had been a week since Eiji hadn't gone to school. In that time, although he did not meet any of his other girls — for example Yukino, Utaha, Eriri, Tsubaki and Miko although some of them still had ambiguous relationships with him, especially Miko.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
If he had to give an example of what he looked like now, he almost resembled a character from a certain franchise called Gojo Satoru. He now almost resembled him, especially with his red eyes that had returned to blue, yet seemed to have flecks like galactic dust in them.
Anime & Comics · DogLickerGods
Megumi Tadokoro
Soma scratched his head as he then introduced Megumi Tadokoro, Ryoko Sakaki, Yuki Yoshino, and Shun Ibusaki.
Anime & Comics · mythoast
A very defined face with snow-white hair and brown eyes, not to mention that he was quite tall and his skin was slightly tanned as well.
Anime & Comics · Over_The_Moon69
"Well...you can say that I like you" he said with a smile on his face as Hinata had a Pikachu shocked face."W-W-WHAT!?" she shouted as she did not expect him to say he liked her,she not even excepted Naruto to say that as he only ever thought about Sakura.
Anime & Comics · SarusakkuKM17
"Come down and face me right now!" Zack entered a combat stance as Truck-kun slowly descended from the sky.
Anime & Comics · Leip0t
A foul stench quickly filled the air as an unidentified brown substance dripped down Oscar's loose pant legs.
Duolou: After taking advice, I became Supreme!
Anime & Comics · Senatus