I kind hope Nine ends up like this by the end of the arc.
You doing good?
As boys would tell it, girls were prone to fighting their battles in sneaky, underhanded ways and not in the light of day. Kendo didn't think she was that sort of woman, but how could she be sure? she thought with a light scowl, 'Woman.'
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
The Last Avatar is a good pick
Thus, my mind leans towards other series that I should work on next. I was thinking One Piece, but it would be a bit too long, so I'm left with either going with Avatar the Last Airbender or Legends of Korra..
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729
"Shit...Was that racist of me?" Miles asked.
Anime & Comics · BeefCheefin
"They're all wearing orange, how hard will this be?" Miles said to himself, his eyes narrowing, "I didn't just jinx myself, did I?"
Anime & Comics · BeefCheefin
It’s weird because like you have to progress the story not too fast but also you don’t want to stagnant at the same time.
I don't want to make the mistake of rushing things just to get to the time skip. But I also don't want to drag it out so long to the point where you guys are like ten chapters deep with nothing to show for it. It's a weird balance you gotta find for these types of things.
Anime & Comics · BeefCheefin
In my opinion some people would think about how superpowers are used in bed. Like do you ever think that Naruto use shadow clones with Hinata? Or Superman did it with Lois in the air?
Ren smiles, content with what he got from the fight with Nine. He flies upwards as he carries away his lifeless adversary's body, ready to explain he died from his own Quirk breaking down on him as he made sure to leave evidence of such a conclusion and taking the Quirk Amplification Device into his [Sub-Space].
Anime & Comics · Jovami6729