thanks for the chapter
thanks for the chapter
nah bro , he doesn't care.
Guzma finally snapped out of his daze from Dragonite's overwhelming power.
Video Games · michaeI
I was a broken ability in vgc at that time.
[Unseen Fist: If the user's attack makes contact, it bypasses Protect and similar defensive moves, dealing normal damage.]
Video Games · michaeI
ora ora ora ora..
Video Games · michaeI
After all my training, after all the "blessings" I've received from nature—
Video Games · michaeI
loaded dice is also a great item.
Effect: A luminous, crystal-clear pendant. Holding it prevents stat reductions from opponents' moves or abilities.
Video Games · Zaelum
thanks for the chapter
bro turn heel😭
239. Kumquat Island
Anime & Comics · iamxeno
yeah but makes Charizard 4 times weak to rock and Gyarados 4 times weak against electric. Again both are the weakness of flying. Just get an anti-flying team and sweep him. The point being that we just need to treat him as a flying trainer rather than a dragon.
Dragon-types are typically weak to Ice-type moves; so despite Lance being the strongest trainer of the Indigo Plateau, he had often lost to Lorelei in their practice matches. Elite Four members spar with each other regularly to maintain top form. This time, though, things were different!
Master Craftsman of the Pokémon World
Video Games · Zaelum