I narrowed my eyes on him. He'd just threatened Akeno in front of me…again.
Movies · StarWaves
Do tell me how you found it. The one I had most difficulty characterizing was King Vegeta, hopefully I made him accurate.
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Let's go.
He consulted his clipboard. "You've requested meetings with Bardock, Gine, King Vegeta, and Queen Eschalot, correct?"
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
I wonder if there's gonna be a family reunion for goku.
Do tell me what you think of Vegito's plan.
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
So, characters having knowledge they didn't before is the least of what I am changing.
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Bulma stared at her, mouth slightly agape. "Are you suggesting we create a fusion of ourselves... for Vegito?"
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Now that you exist independently, the earrings cannot create you again from the same components. The cosmic signature has already been established."
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
Blinding golden light erupts around me. When it fades, I stand in my Super Saiyan 4 form - similar to Goku's and Vegeta's, but with notable differences.
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
A Multiversal Journey (GOT/ASOIAF)
TV · AnshumanMishra