Bold of you to assume I have any
A question from the readers:- How do introverts like you make friends?
Anime & Comics · Emmanuel_Capricorn
"Thought projection tomes will be 1 million, as for the Glasses there is a 2x to 120x variant with prices increasing with each variant, the transformation tome is on a bundle offer right now with all of the beginner, intermediate, and advanced being half price".
Anime & Comics · 1TOUCH_ME
Spatial dragon claw: a cut that travels through space and cuts anything that doesn't have high enough magical defence. very lethal and can't be used in spars as it can just cut your opponent into pieces. think of Yami or Vergil as a reference.
Anime & Comics · 1TOUCH_ME
ya in a spherical form
Spatial dragon slayer magic gives the user a passive ability called spatial awareness. It is like a 30-meter radius zone around the user where they are aware of every movement of everything on an atomic scale. It's kind of like having a 360-degree view of the Byakugan.
Anime & Comics · 1TOUCH_ME
Suddenly a boy with silver hair and green eyes appeared next to him with a Fist covered in a red sphere as he punched the mage yelling. "Spatial Dragon: Iron Fist".
Anime & Comics · 1TOUCH_ME
k you got it
yes Sebas i like Sebas.
"We are back Sebas...Jin this is Sebas!". Lesse said.
Anime & Comics · 1TOUCH_ME
I don't know bro that's just the general name for the attacks like fire dragon Iron fist and what not
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · 1TOUCH_ME
He still has the seed
really useful in making clothes and chairs
Hmm, where is this? Why is everywhere dark? Where am I? Have I been kidnapped? Then I remember, there is no reason for me to be kidnapped. If my family knew I was kidnapped, they wouldn't care. So, I don't think they would waste their time with someone like me.
Reincarnation in DxD with wishes
Anime & Comics · emir_adar