Killed a guy who was forced to become a slave because he was hunting.
Ned's expression softened, the stern lord giving way to the father, and he placed a weathered hand on Robb's shoulder. The weight of it was reassuring, grounding. "A lord doesn't make decisions based on fear or doubt. He makes them based on what's right. Today, you did what was right."
Book&Literature · Fractured_dream
"I think it's about time we find the Avatar," Kanuk smirked as his vision zoomed out for miles. In an iceberg underwater, a girl was frozen inside the ice.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
Drop it on someone or another ship. Use the scrap metal for building, crafting. Fix it and use as an emergency ship. Use as a disguise in the fire nation. Sell the metal. Give the bodies a proper burial.
"If a single ship contained this much weapons and money... The night is young. Might as well make use of it!" Kanuk smirked as he exited the ship before jumping back into the freezing water.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
If you store air, can you sperate oxygen and Nitrogen? Release Nitrogen to suffocate enemies, release oxygen to create explosions. What happens if you take out all the air in an area, creating a vacuum... wouldn't the change in air pressures kill you instantly...
So, no storing animals, humans or anything alive. But anything else goes, water? Yes. Air? Also yes. As long as it is not alive.
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1
You keep switching He and She for Illyrio.
"I can't help but agree with you, Dany…" Visenya said, taking the bow from her hands and putting it away. "She might as well give us her fortune if she wants to waste it on worthless trinkets. We could buy a fleet of ships with it."
Book&Literature · riojiyo131
No, she did. Robert does everything she does and more. And he did it before her, why should he expect faithfulness if he doesn't do so himself. Why should she bear his children if he's shown a complete disregard for caring for his own kids. why should she care about his children becoming king if he's a terrible king. Robert Cheats Alchoholic Loves another women Has children with others Abandons said children Wastes publics taxes on drink, whores and pleasure Accomplice in the murder of children (Rhaenys and Aegon) Attempted murder of a child (Dany) Cersei Cheats Alcoholic Loves another man Has children with others Accomplice in attempted murder of a child (Bran)
"If you want Prince Joffrey to undergo the same training you'd have to speak with his mother. You got the short end of the stick with that marriage." Mordred gave a mirthless laugh when she poked at his marriage with a knife.
Video Games · Crimson1997
A collector will buy it. Might not be an antique collector.
"Huh? This time, there's no mention of 'some collectors would buy it at a high price'… Does that mean it won't sell?"
Video Games · Zaelum
So she remembers random ass shit like Meera and Brans conversation from season 8. But not Joffrey being a bastard, the entire focus of the first book and season.
As the events approached rapidly, Cornelia realized she couldn't find a way to intervene or change the course of fate.
Book&Literature · DylanBriak
If she wears sunglasses, can she see...
When they arrived, it was just after sunset on the last day of the journey, and Cornelia was fortunate enough to witness for the first time the impressive and desolate sight of the Wall.
Book&Literature · DylanBriak
Dudley and Harry?
Dudley Dursley, an eleven-year-old boy wearing a Smeltings school uniform, holding a bag of stolen beef jerky in his left hand and a Smelting stick in his right hand, nearly seven feet tall and extremely strong and muscular, with the outline of his muscles clearly visible through his clothes, watched this scene quietly.
Harry Potter: From Muggle Cousin to Conceptual Archmage
Book&Literature · Stephen2328