In the secluded town of Silverwood, journalist Ethan Carter arrives to investigate a series of mysterious animal attacks and disappearances. Drawn by whispers of strange legends, Ethan quickly discovers that Silverwood harbors secrets far beyond his imagination.
In the tranquil town of Highgate Park, Evelyn Harper, a promising young woman with a secret, goes missing just weeks before her wedding to Richard Donovan, a charismatic entrepreneur. Detectives Sam Clayton and Hannah cruz are assigned to unravel the mystery. As they delve into Evelyn's complicated life and tangled relationships, they uncover a web of deceit, financial intrigue, and hidden motives. With each clue leading them closer to the truth, they must navigate through lies, betrayals, and unexpected revelations to find Evelyn before it's too late.
hi mia
The Peerless Man With A Thousand Gifts
Urban · KaiserKen