I have already decided many worlds and the end of the story. The next world will be NieR:Automata.
It wouldn't make sense if Toru was part of the Nasuverse, but he isn't even though part of his origin is due to this world. The place Toru was in was not the Throne of Heroes....
Has anyone finished watching Arcane yet? I have. And I'm just going to say that it's been a long time since I felt such an emptiness watching a series. 10/10. A series that I recommend 100%. I also decided that Runeterra will be one of the worlds that Toru will visit.
Here is a curious fact: There are different versions of Asahi Toru as Servant. As this is a multiverse, there is that possibility. One version of Toru I've thought of most would be his Rider version, where he invokes Okamikaze and can use his Sage Mode. There is also the Berserker version, whose story is very different from the one we have now. I thought of all that as different alternate histories. Someday I'll write them down.
You are the first
Sakura será el personaje principal en este y en el siguiente volumen. Toru también estará ahí, pero él pasará un poco a segundo plano por ciertos motivos que se verán más adelante.
Date a Live: Date a Bullet
"In the form of Battle Royale. I call it Date a Bullet."
Anime & Comics · NotPolarArtic
That is all. Next Saturday I will start the next volume. This will give me time to write enough to bring back to back chapters.
Looks like I made it through the semester. I feel happy, so here is an early chapter. The remaining chapters will be posted on Saturday.
Touko is supposed to be between 30 and 40 years old, but appears to be younger. This information is not revealed in the novels and is rather ambiguous.
The Last Rising Sun
Anime & Comics · NotPolarArtic