aussiegw - Profile



male LV 15
2022-01-26 Joined Australia

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Moments 678


I wonder if this means he has a chance to tame one of the drakes? He was wanting a flying mount earlier ...

It lowered its head, a gesture of submission and despair as if accepting its fate and hoping that its sacrifice would spare the rest.

Reincarnation of the Strongest Healer

Reincarnation of the Strongest Healer

Games · Idczhen


"Don’t you even think about taking it away from me!"


Remi wrapped protectively around her statue, in case someone tried to take it from her.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


And how often did that happen to you, Lotus?


"Don't you think this reminds you of something? Like when you accidentally broke something of your mom's and then hid until she calmed down?" Lotus asked.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


Warm? That implies there's a heat source somewhere as caves are naturally cold. They don't vary their temperature, but they're definitely not warm. Though they could mean it's warm relative to outside where it's freezing. Caves are definitely warmer than that

If this really had been a holdout against the Frost Giants when they sent their allies against the Dwarves, it could be a very valuable safe spot for them. It was deep in the mountain, secure, warm even without artificial heating, and there was plenty of room for anything they might need to bring inside.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


Avoiding paperwork? Yet another example of the fear that Elites feel when facing that dreaded foe...


Lotus raised a weary hand. "I vote we do anything but that. Do you have any idea how many questions there will be about whatever that was? I've never seen an explosion like that, and everyone would have seen and felt that."

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


Thor just loves to play...


Thor tried not to laugh as he chased everyone out of the valley. This was a great game. They ran in, slapped the Frost Giants in the face, and now they ran away before they got slapped back.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


I've never thought of it that way before, but, yes, the human operating system kernel (brain) does have a number of what cyber-security professionals call vulnerabilities that malicious operators can attack...

If the game is the real reason behind their powers, they want to control it. Even though the servers are secure and no one would know who is playing, human brains are easily hackable, using a built-in program called Greed.

Abyssal Invasion Online: Realms

Abyssal Invasion Online: Realms

Games · ChaosSpawn


The only problem is the source is likely to be inside the freezing area. Avoiding that may be the best choice for their survival, but they're unlikely to find the source if they do so

Well, that was something. If she could sense the magic, then they had their answer to why everything was freezing, just not where the effect was coming from, other than somewhere deeper into the Frost Giant nation.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


I'm sure that is supposed to be "soar", not "sour", but given the past negative publicity, I think his reputation would sour for some of those he's retaliated against

Replied to Sphinqz

He's probably a teenager at the moment. A selfish teenager, to be precise...


[Well, I've found them now, and there are three missing.] Hawk complained, placing the blame directly on the wounded guards that he could see below him.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

Replied to Sphinqz

Probably not, since they're trying to rejoin the main force. Disobeying orders of a superior officer is a possible charge, but even that is doubtful since they're not in Karl's chain of command

Karl checked the snow, and saw three sets of running footsteps headed southeast, toward the secondary valley, and a fourth set moving slower behind them, but probably tracking the mages.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku


She's a gourmet...


Hawk predictably vented his fury on the Yeti herders, while Remi went straight for the enormous pigs, unwilling to let them get away before she found out what they tasted like. Some thin slices with broadleaf spirit grass seemed like it would be a wonderful combo to her.

The First Legendary Beast Master

The First Legendary Beast Master

Fantasy · Aoki_Aku

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