The difference are resist protects against debuff. Such as knockdown on physical attack & silence, stun, bleed on magical attacks. Meanwhile, defense will help avoid getting hit.
The higher your defense, the higher ability to dodge an attacks. But, if the resistance still low, you can still receive debuffs
"Next quest: Upgrade your Magic Defense & Magic Resist"
Starting over once more, he has entered this “cycle of hell” in order to control his own fate.
This time, in his second life, he ensured he would not die in vain again.
The Archmage reincarnated into a new world where ancient magic is just a mere tale.
Gather again his loyal servants! Restores his legendary abilities!! Even become the most respected hero!
Mutants, Infected, wars between factions, radioactive areas, and even returning humans to their glory point is an almost impossible dream. Legend of Archmage in apocalypse world has begun.
Perhaps not only with strength but also with leadership and money we can grasp the world's content. Isn't that so? But what if there is a world that sees power as the basis for all living things? 2020 isn't a good time for Griffith Mason.
Although he managed to defend his MMA title for the sixth time, that year his tragic accident happened. At the same time, he was reincarnated in the body of a boy who grew and flourished in a strange world for Mason. Although he was given a new life in the new world, misfortune still followed.
He was hunted down and even threatened to die once again. "You are the chosen one that exists in this world. Are you going to take this chance or not? It was your choice.
If you join us, then you would have unimaginable power." [upgrade system complete - Demon Werewolf evolution] "a Demon Werewolf has been born! First in this world."
The story of Mason growing strong to avenge, hunting his enemy, and saving the world from the perspective of an antihero.
The rare skill non-Combatant Job class meets the Legend Combatant Job class.
I acquired a rare skill when I had the desire to fight for my second-time life.
I don't want to stand by anymore watching the monsters with their various powers trying to destroy the place where my second life has just begun.
I promise to risk my whole life for this new world even though I am unknown, abused, and also considered an enemy to the Hero and his allies.
For me, the most important thing is her safety as well as the world I live in now.
Fuck the others!
I call myself Invictus.
The one who will save the world from behind the shadows.
Daniel Liem adalah seorang laki-laki berusia dua-puluh tahunan yang terlihat lemah. Tubuhnya yang kurus dan rentan terkena penyakit. Banyak anak-anak seusianya yang berada di lingkungan yang sama selalu membulinya.
Pada suatu hari Daniel Liem mendapati dirinya berada disebuah posisi yang tidak mengenakkan. Dirinya berada di sebuah pertarungan antara vampire dan seorang magician. Ia sempat terbunuh karena ia menjadi mangsa vampire tersebut.
Sialnya, magician tersebut berada di ujung tanduk. Ia menjadi bulan-bulanan dan serangan para vampire. Magician itu mengeluarkan sebuah mantra.
“Pelarian diri dari Kehancuran: Pelepasan jiwa diaktivasi”
Tiba-tiba tubuh Daniel dirasuki oleh Magician tersebut, mereka bersatu dalam satu tubuh. Bahkan ia mendapat sebuah kekuatan, kemampuan menjadi seorang vampire slayer.
Ditengah perseteruan barunya dengan para Vampire, sebuah organisasi yang disebut The Order memburunya.
Bagaimana Daniel Liem harus bertahan hidup di dunia ini? Apakah ia harus menyembunyikan kemampuan barunya itu? atau Apakah ia harus mencari tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi pada dirinya walaupun resiko besar menantinya.
sorry, its typo. i'll fixed it
Invictus: Hero From The Shadow
Fantasy · Ikrisnaw28