Although quite late, I come to offer a different point of view. Born in an European country and sweet tea(store-bought one) is oddly enough too sweet for me if that makes sense. I can't say I hate it but I also don't like it per say.
There was tea on the table in front of us. I tasted it and I had one tiny thought about it. 'This tea needs a lot more sugar and then it would be perfect. There's nothing like a nice glass of cold sweet iced tea on a hot day.'
Anime & Comics · BeIi4l
I mean, I don't think it was stated that the mc was a male at any point in time, of course there is also the possibility I missed that.
She got ready and finally, she appeared in front of her and immediately Treyni felt it. She immediately kneeled in front of her to convey respect, not only of her own volition but also from an instinctual feeling coming from being a spirit. She had a sense of it when observing her, but now that she was face to face with her, it was an entirely different experience.
Anime & Comics · BeIi4l
Well then, I sure wasn't expecting this to be part of Aizen-sama's plan all along. What a strange timeline this is.
"Perfect, this year would suit all yer needs. You got the Yakuza, Guns being smuggled in from overseas, Curses growing wild, gods and demons appearing, and Sosuke Aizen just about to pull his hair off."
Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
Ah much appreciated. So it was a mix of both the things I thought it would be.
I feel the need to ask at what time period is the story taking place in. From some things I get the feeling it's supposed to be medieval times with nobles and stuff just with magic and from other I fell like it's modern times but with magic.
Here we go again.
Chapter:1 Echoes of the Battlefield
Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
Good luck on the papers!
Why? Cause I already flunked one of my papers and I ain't taking no risk with the rest of the six. So,
Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
I just checked your profile to see what your new story is about and realized that I have actually read couple of your works before. What a coincidence, I was thinking I (kinda) recognise your style from somewhere. All that I have checked are great reads btw, might as well start another.
[[Also, if anyone wats to, they can check out my OC story 'Frostbound Empress: The Multiverse Market']]
Anime & Comics · EchoingDusk
A really late reply but if you are still interested in the answer, I know of two countries with legal age for driving being 15 (Zambia and Zimbabwe). I have not heard of one where it's lower than that so it's probably just in their world.
The age at which one could start driving legally in their country was fourteen, so that had never been an issue for years. But Crystal's family never had a car of their own, and Dixie never felt the need to learn how to drive.
Fantasy · DustyDream
Worry not! The chapters you have written are great so I wouldn't mind waiting for more.
Hey guys, author here! Sorry for not uploading chapters in a while. Honestly, I just wasn't feeling great about writing this fanfic, and I didn't want to put out bad chapters. So, I decided to wait until I actually felt like writing again.
Acheron in Tensura
Anime & Comics · Apandora