
LV 1
2022-01-16 Joined Global
Moments 3
2 years ago

Hirata is best girl and you cannot convince me otherwise

2 years ago

I took my time reading this volume and i must say it is the best of this franchise imo , The character development of Hirata was praisworthy as well , but what distinguishes this volume from the others is the fact that Ayano can no longer watch from the sidelines , the threat of acting director Tsukishiro is growing more and more , the way he got the protection point in the last volume and lost it by the end just serves as an example to what extent Ayano's foes are willing to go to get him expelled , Seeing the touching moment between Sakayangi and Ayano was also very heartwarming , the admiration Sakayanagi holds for Ayano and how he tries his best to comprehend it just touches my heart , seeing the two walk back together , having a rematch in the library or just simply having small talk during these chapters was so entertaining I look forward to reading volume 11.5 , though i will probably be dropping the series for 2 or so years after finishing the "year 1" volumes since i don't like to wait for the volumes to be released , i am more of a "gobble it up all at once" kind of person

2 years ago

So i haven't commented on any of the volumes but seeingvthe comment section empty brings emptiness to my heart whenever i finish reading a chapter so here, lets jeep the comments alive , after all this is COTE Also , this was some thrilling prelogue , not one person reading this chapter would be able to resist the temptation to read on