He will have an accident before being released...
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Book&Literature · Lecher_Asura
Seems like an interesting start, though the dialogue, introdution and the tower fight are poorly constructed.
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I likey
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Pretty standard novel, some humorous places, otherwise entertaining.
The award for "The most non review review" goes to...
Ghosts, portraits, house elfes, wards if you know what I mean.
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Book&Literature · Graviele
Dobby for the win!
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Book&Literature · Galaxy_Wonder
Role model.
"There's many things you can do, boy." I informed, "You could start skinning people who displease you, or run away to Essos. Or you can grow some thick skin and get to work, building yourself into a man so able and ready that no one of any substance cares about the boy you were."
Game of Thrones: Path of the Hungry Bear
Book&Literature · JManM