Just as the officer was about to put handcuffs on Trinity, she suddenly spun around and leapt into the air. The scene clearly entered high-speed slow-motion, with a 360-degree rotating shot showcasing the movement, fully displaying the heroine's long legs and slender waist.
Celebrities · Anobody
Dalaran was a city of large domed buildings and tall, majestic spires. Most of the buildings were painted violet, and Krivax could easily tell that the city was nearly completely drenched in arcane energies. The city itself was much larger than Krivax had expected, and reminded him that aside from their mages, Dalaran was home to a large population of non-mage residents as well.
Video Games · NeverluckySMILE
The cloaked man started weaving one-handed seals with all 8 hands, causing Suigetsu to pale.
Anime & Comics · ValeronWriter
ok, drop it. there are 1000 fanfics on this web, and there are others websites with fanfics
This book has been deleted.
omg, i think its time to drop this, the most stupid thing to do in fanfic is to reveal that you are selfinserted/reincarnated/isekaied
crazy person
"Are you Wendy? From my middle school?"
Celebrities · pujimaki
she's saying it to ninja, fcking ninja who can travel faster than you can blink
"You really think this will work?" Ayane asked, folding her arms and watching with a raised eyebrow as Izumo set the last trap into place.
Anime & Comics · BarryAnime
how about saying "fuck off, tell me where i can find crab"
Ayane's expression remained as cold as ever, but Kotetsu could see the slightest hint of curiosity flicker in her gaze. "I don't need your 'spoils,' Kotetsu. But... if you're going to be so persistent, I'll humor you. I'll come with you, but only because you're being ridiculous."
Anime & Comics · BarryAnime
The surrounding explosive bullets shot out from the agent's gun, Neo leaned back to dodge, the camera instantly slowed down, yet it still felt fast. The trajectory of the bullet was clearly visible, and the camera rotated around Neo 360 degrees, showcasing every detail.
Made In Hollywood
Celebrities · Anobody