In a fateful accident caused by a supreme god, a young boy's life is tragically cut short. As a compensation for their grave mistake, the god grants the boy a series of wishes, setting into motion an extraordinary tale. Embark on an enchanting journey by delving into the novel, where unexpected twists and turns will keep you captivated from start to finish.
Author's Note:
Welcome to my first-ever writing endeavor! I eagerly await your feedback and comments as you dive into this immersive narrative. Please join me on this adventure and discover a world where the protagonist's power grows steadily over time, offering a refreshing departure from the instant mastery seen in other novels. Rest assured, the story will be logically grounded, ensuring a satisfying experience.
Furthermore, while the story will feature a harem, it is crucial to note that the protagonist's development will be handled with sensitivity and realism. There will be intimate scenes (lemon scenes), but I recognize the importance of maintaining a respectful approach. Therefore, these scenes will be introduced once our main character's body fully matures, ensuring a mature and appropriate portrayal.
I understand that this wish-fulfillment fanfic may not align with everyone's tastes, and that's perfectly fine. Your preferences matter, and if this story resonates with you, I kindly request you to share it with your friends and consider supporting me on Patreon: nether_2001. Your support will enable me to bring more captivating tales to life.
A boy dies due to an accident caused by a supreme god and he got a few wishes from god in return for his mistake and the story goes on now read the novel to know more i can't give you any spoilers , this is my first time writing so please do comment and tell me how novel was and yes there will be harem and the mc will be op but he will not be op immediately after his birth like in some novel, he has the means to be op but there is no instant mastery, there will also be lemon scenes but wait for it ,it will be really awkward to see a 6 year boy fu*king a bi*ch so i will only give lemon scene after our mc is of 14 years old i know it is also small but who cares ,i just want a little logic not some shit where the pipi of 6 year old can't even stand and he is doing the deed of men . at last this is wish fulfillment fanfic no hard feelings if this is not upto your taste don't read . and if you like the story please share with your friends and join my patreon : nether_2001
hey author it's been a long time, we have been waiting for the update desperately. please don't leave the story in mid.
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