I like it so far. It is one of the few best Harry Potter fanfiction I have read so far. keep it up, Author. I'm looking forward to more chapters.
"A doberman," Harry responded, smiling at his patronus before it slowly faded away to nothing.
Book&Literature · a_wizard_did_it
As soon as the question was asked, the answer seemed to come to him. Images of an elegant, muscular, and powerful four legged creature entered his mind. He had a well proportioned chest, a short back, and a lean, muscular neck. His hair was black and it clung tightly to his body. He could feel his strong and sharp teeth, and he knew that his bite was fierce, but that didn't matter right now. He had a job to do, a goal, and he'd succeed... if he could only remember what it was.
Book&Literature · a_wizard_did_it
"Unfortunately, the hat's magic only works when sorting someone at the beginning of their stay at Hogwarts; after that, all he can tell about that person is its opinion on the sorting and even that stays confidential between the hat and the student." Dumbledore explained and Harry's muscles relaxed. That had been sheer damned luck. "But Fawkes who was there confirmed that the basilisk was slain by the sword that did indeed come out from the hat." Harry marveled at the phoenix's ability to tell the truth without going into specifics; the basilisk had been slain by the sword of Gryffindor that had been indeed pulled from the hat. Who had summoned it and how, had been kept hidden from the Headmaster.
Book&Literature · Demon_Daddy_muw
Please update soon. Author, I want to continue reading. If you're not updating on webnovel, then is there a different app or website you are updating this fanfiction?
"I concur" Adrian concurred "do we still have to go to the champions chamber?" Adrian asked Dumbledore
Movies · Sonic_Spectre
"Get some popcorn and wait for mum to come and demolish Dumbledore"
Movies · Sonic_Spectre
Please update soon Author I want to read this more
And almost immediately… she felt a sudden jolt of energy in her body as if she had downed a can of red bull.
Fantasy · Yolohy
'What's the worst that can happen?' Harry thought and swam closer toward his fellow humans…
Harry Potter: Dragon Eyes
Book&Literature · FakeViolinist