I know it's pretty random but what happened to the cows and bulls that he purchased way back??
By the time I was done with that, it was time for lunch, so I took out a stack of sandwiches for myself while distributing everyone's food inside Utopia. After my brief lunch break, I took off into the air.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
doesn't mikail also have draconic energy?
He was the first person I came across during any of the competitions that used draconic energy. In fact, he was the only one I heard about so far in this competition which showed how rare they were. I knew for a fact that there were no real regional academies for them since their number was too low for an academy.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
I'm wondering what his opponents who look at what Pokemon he has shown thinks? like he has shown one new Pokemon for every fight he has been in and all of them are high silver grade..
My next Pokemon battle was already determined, and I would be battling against Kyoji, some boy from a water academy. Our fight would be at 11:20 a.m, and the Pokemon he had shown so far were (high) bronze stage Floatzel, (low) silver-stage Tentacruel, (low) silver-stage Gyarados, (mid) silver stage Poliwrath.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
I don't know if you already told us and I don't remember it but why is he not using the bee wax made by Parvati and her subordinates?
I looked up the reputable 2nd hand and antique stores across the city center as well as the inner area since that was where I was most likely going to find the old plushy I needed for the Mimikyu Nurturing Matrix. I also looked up the best fabric shops in the area since I needed quite a bit of that for the Mimikyu Matrix as well. The only other thing I needed aside from those was bee/candlewax for the Litwick Nurturing Matrix, so I also checked out where I could find that. I had to exclude smaller/casual stores since I needed a lot of wax, possibly up to a ton. Once I had a list of stores, I marked them on the map app and made my way to the closest one.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
Hours is like everyone's big brother and the only one with a functioning brain
Horus sighed when the others actually gave them accusing looks and told me to stop teasing the others and just project either my or his memory of the whole thing into the sky for the others to see. It was funny to see the "O, right we can do that" reactions the majority had when Horus said that, and I had to chuckle when Horus just sighed again after seeing that most had truly forgotten about my ability to do so. Tatsumaki/Alakazam pat him on the shoulder in solace but I could feel her amusement, though the same was true for Horus as well despite his outward reaction/words.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
who is aurelius?
'It's been three years. Aurelius would be two years old now. Alone in that orphanage in America.'
Others · manny0101
ik it's been 2 years but can you tell me where you read it?
"Oh, that's simple. I made it in my days to help the hungry people of the world. You see, the cup can infinitely produce any beverage you put in it. Hot chocolate, whiskey, or any other liquid thing. I used to make soup with it" she warmly replied.
Book&Literature · MisterImmortal
oh actually nevermind i just remembered it's his cousin
Mom and Taro were sitting at the table, both watching the oven with wide eyes, clearly curious. Neither of them had seen anything like this before, and I couldn't blame them. This wasn't a world where pizza existed, after all.
Anime & Comics · TheDreamofSomeday
who has taro????
Mom and Taro were sitting at the table, both watching the oven with wide eyes, clearly curious. Neither of them had seen anything like this before, and I couldn't blame them. This wasn't a world where pizza existed, after all.
Anime & Comics · TheDreamofSomeday
did he leave the varients too?
The next morning I made my way to the reserve and left the "goldies"/guardians as well as all reservists at the Pokemon reserve. While some of the species/groups were still missing a few members to reach the goal I had set for them, I decided to leave them all there anyway.
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
Anime & Comics · Azrail93