I really like this fic btw keep it up
3. Light comes out on top in the island exam by figuring out Class D's shadow leader, and tricks Horikita.
Anime & Comics · MilkywayAndromeda
Hey, are you also dropping the luca zoric fic asw?
Please read it and give it a try. It’s defined worth it.
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Anime & Comics · astrofluid
Despite the goo and blood that decorated the trees, only an atmosphere of tranquility could be found as a boy approached a white inhuman figure. A sword in hand yet no malicious intent could be found in the boy's step. Stepping forward, now face to face with his adversary, he rose his sword and cleanly cut the boys neck, separating his head from his body as it slid off. The act of murder seemed to be appreciated by nature and the trees seemed to sway in gratitude.
Anime & Comics · astrofluid
like this
Standing from his seated position, he quietly approached a mirror in the far corner of the room, his steps silent in the foreign environment. Glimpsing at his reflection only consolidated his thoughts. Staring back at him was a tall tanned boy bare of a shirt revealing his chiseled body… His face seemed to be sculpted by God's hand itself with his upturned hunter eye-shape and a jawline that could pierce steel, however it's full beauty was yet to be appreciated due to the dark navy hair that fell to his neck. It seemed to be styled in such a way that attached an aura of mystery to him. Regardless of the attractiveness of the image before him, his face twisted in thought….
Anime & Comics · astrofluid
Author here, Trust me guys just give it a try, you will like it
Luka Zoric
Sports · AmSincere