

LV 1
2021-09-18 Joined United Kingdom
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3 months ago
Replied to Bernardo_Postogna

No they did not. Thanks for reading and commenting

Mounted to rails, a huge, broad robotic torso. Curved, rusted, plate armour over pistons. Steel gears, exposed clusters of wires. The single glowing red eye brightened from behind the steel bars that protected it, or protected others from it. Heavy hydraulics on each shoulder pressurised. Driving the right heavy, thick arm into position. Three short gun barrels for a hand, sheathed in armour plating.

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

5 months ago
Replied to Minuano

I have no idea what you are saying

No one really knows how The Great War started, but when it did few were ready, fewer still survived it. Humanity went from billions, to millions, in mere minutes. Scattered, hidden, and relegated to a wasteland, the carcass of the old world. Fighting each and every day to survive. Humanity entered a new age, the age of survival. And survival means fighting a war without end, and war…war never changes.

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

5 months ago
Replied to IndolentFish

Ha! Thanks for reading and commenting

"Hey wait, people are going to yell at me?"

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

5 months ago
Replied to Jason_Peterson_6281

Well remembered!

The torn out section at the back had just about grown over, leaving an odd pattern that seemed trivial amongst everything else. Locks of red strands began to fall, Charlie must have picked up on her tension. "Relax, a friend taught me." Within a few minutes the red shoulder length mess had been trimmed back. Short on the sides to match the back, leaving a sweeping curve that hung below her cheek, or slicked back with ease. She stared in the handheld mirror, enjoying the new shape and sheen.

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

5 months ago
Replied to Jason_Peterson_6281

It's unneeded at that moment

He looked behind the figure working at an old desk at the edge of the stage. The unearned knowledge in his head started feeding him information. Calibres, muzzle velocity, cyclic rates. All unwanted, unneeded, unwelcome, but coming rapidly, prompted by the arsenal at the back of the room.

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

5 months ago
Replied to Jason_Peterson_6281

A 1911 yes.

An uninvited thought, unearned knowledge, told him things he understood but couldn't explain how. Forty five calibre, semi automatic, with a seven round magazine.

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

5 months ago
Replied to Jason_Peterson_6281

Yes, but the average, even above average person isn't going to know that, which is the point

No one really knows how The Great War started, but when it did few were ready, fewer still survived it. Humanity went from billions, to millions, in mere minutes. Scattered, hidden, and relegated to a wasteland, the carcass of the old world. Fighting each and every day to survive. Humanity entered a new age, the age of survival. And survival means fighting a war without end, and war…war never changes.

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

5 months ago
Replied to Xcalibur_Xc

Stories without an ending aren't interesting to me. Thanks for reading

5 months ago
Replied to CheesyPotatoes

That's part of the plot so I can't answer that

Rosie crept into his thoughts again, thinking of when she'd first brought him here. She said you could connect every terminal in here together, and it still wouldn't match a fraction of the raw processing power housed in just one of their jet black pipboys. Most in the Vault thought that because they were smaller than their drab, olive green counterparts, they were less powerful. Rosie thought it best to let them think that, or they might start asking questions.

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

6 months ago
Replied to RedCheetah07

It's a joke

"Come in, both of you." She welcomed them in, as did Grant with a smile that took real effort. "Grant can't talk, but unfortunately it's not going to be permanent."

Fallout: Vault X

Fallout: Vault X

Video Games · FourPin

  • Fallout: Vault X original

    Fallout: Vault X



    An original novel set in the Fallout universe, written to be accessible to all, featuring unique people and places Fallout: Vault X tells the story of John. A vault dweller, who spent every day of his twenty five years underground. Like his father, and his father before him. Proud to live in the last remaining bastion of humanity, all that survived The Great War of the atomic age. Hidden deep below the surface of the earth, toiling under brutal conditions. Year after year, decade upon decade. All to expand into the natural cave system the Vault occupied, building for the future. However, John knew what his forefathers did not, that everything he’d been taught was a lie. After finishing school at the age of ten, John received his standard issue pipboy. An arm mounted personal computer, worn by everyone in the Vault. Used to coordinate the relentless pace of expansion, needed to work as an apprentice. To learn the craft that would be his life’s work. A noble calling to ensure a future for all that remained of the human race. A quirk of fate saw John equipped not with the crude, clunky, pipboy model his father wore. That almost everyone around him wore. His looked smaller, sleeker, finished in a jet black sheen. And capable of doing far more than its drab counterparts. The world above had been ravaged by atomic flames, yet life clung to its bones. The Red Valley fared better than most in the century since the bombs fell. The clean water and rich soil protected by rolling hills. All spared from direct strikes, for the most part. Life survived here. Trees spawned from charred ground, misshapen, green leaves turned red. Along with simple crops, grown wild at first, then cultivated by the survivors. The scavengers of the old world were inventive, hardy people. All determined to rebuild in the ruins of a world they never knew. In the decades that passed settlements emerged. They grew, spreading along the valley floor. Reclaiming the pre-war remnants of the once industrialised heartland. Salvaging the robotic wonders of a bygone age to build their walls and work their fields. To protect them in the dark of the wasteland. But such things are uncommon in this world, and the rarer something is, the greater its value. And the worth of pre-war technology had not gone unnoticed. The last, real, power in this world rested in the mechanised hands of The Brotherhood of Steel. Forged from the mortally wounded old world military. The Brotherhood used its access to the weapons made for a conflict no one won to strike out into the wastes. Men and women were equipped with advanced armour, aerial transportation, high grade weaponry. Accompanied by the training, strength, and will, to put them to use. They established chapters and set up outputs far and wide. All dedicated to a single purpose. To ensure the technology left abandoned by its long dead creators didn’t fall into the wrong hands. Namely, any hands that were not their own. This is the world John escaped into. A place of horrors brought forth from atomic fire. A place where survival meant battling against the darkness. Fighting a war each day to get to the next. And war...war never changes

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