"No." Shargein shook his head enthusiastically while wagging his tail.
Fantasy · Legion20
"There you are." Tezka took a good look at the main Gernoff Household from a safe distance. "Judging by the commotion, I'd say this is where my new friend has gone."
Fantasy · Legion20
She crossed the Warp Steps and turned around, putting all her willpower into a Collapsed Space spell. She hoped to shut down the dimensional corridor long enough to throw the Fylgja off her tracks.
Fantasy · Legion20
"You said you would let us go!" Narisa said while using Spirit Magic to boost her flight spell's speed beyond what Tezka was supposed to match.
Fantasy · Legion20
"And five!" The Suneater armor covered the body of one of the clones while the rest of his equipment was split between the others, leaving two of them disarmed. "Game on."
Fantasy · Legion20
"Our original mission failed but another can still succeed." Okham said via the hand signs. "Despite all his power, Tezka the Suneater is just an Eldritch with no Spirit Magic. He can't use dimensional magic due to the arrays of the mansion, and once we seal the darkness element, he's no match for us.
Fantasy · Legion20
"That's as far as you go, kids." An over three meters (10') tall wolf-fox hybrid covered in a black and silver fur floated in mid-air right in front of the Gernoffs' bewildered eyes.
Fantasy · Legion20
more like this
'No! Gods, no!' Jirni thought. 'Kamila is fine. She knows about my situation and Lith sent her to me. Zinya, instead, has no idea what kind of mess she's just walked into. If something happens to her while Zinya is here, Vastor might think it's one of my schemes.
Fantasy · Legion20
"Only if you give me the raise you promised me months ago, old man." She hugged him, licking his face and covering him in slob.
Fantasy · Legion20
Shargain vs Manohar
Elysia felt a bit weird after experiencing the emotions of her Demons but her baby brain soon dismissed the issue. Especially when Dhiral conjured a wood construct he used to wrestle on equal terms with Shargein.
Supreme Magus
Fantasy · Legion20