i wouldn't go so far as to say switch. Ron is usually depicted as lazy, and never applying himself, but this version has a motivation to better himself. when it comes to Hermione she isn't less smart, just jealous. its basically clouding her judgment
Then he thought about what Harry had done. Could that have been at least partly responsible for how Harry solved Merlin's Cypher? Did it somehow give him a deeper understanding of magic that everyone else had missed? Was it how he performed so well in classes today?
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the ministry claimed it as an item of historical and cultural importance unique to the British people, that's why they established the galleon prize as a reward for opening it
"Of course, it need not go that far," Albus revealed. "We can sweep all of this under the rug, so to speak, and the Ministry need not know about any of this. So long as you're willing to make a few minor concessions, of course."
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eventually yes
Xeno stared at Luna as everything crystallized in his mind. "You're right," he admitted. "They did the same thing to me," he said, looking at Rita. "I had to shut down the office because of them, and lost more than half of my readers."
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i see where you're coming from. Harry feels a lot older than he actually is in this story. I had to make him more mature, for the story to work, but at his core he's an idealistic 11 year old thrown into the deep end. Ben Parker is also his role model, a man who is a soldier, but also lives his life to help people. It wouldn't work for his character to suddenly be ok with taking lives. It needs to be something he struggles with, and something he will avoid doing, at least until he is put in a situation where there is absolutely no other choice, and no way to delay making that choice. My plan is to make the aftermath of taking a life a major point of his character development.
at this point there isn't one. It will be some time when/if it happens. I'm still considering that, but it if there is a romantic interest it won't be one of the characters that have already been introduced
harry is a first year, 11 years old
It had only been a couple of years since she graduated, but looking around now, it felt like nothing had changed, and she was a seventh year student all over again.
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I have never watched troll hunters, but now i think I should
"No Mr. Potter, they can't," Niven stated. "They're not on this plane of existence," he revealed. "We have a way to reach her, a sort of bridge that will temporarily connect our plane of existence with the one she's on."
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the story will eventually expand beyond Harry Potter canon mainly because voldemort won't have the same threat level to Harry as in he books
I would love for you to come for a visit in the summer. You can meet my nephew, Peter. He reminds me a lot of you, actually.
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i'll admit I didn't think that far ahead on it. Lets assume he gets a discount as a ministry worker :)
"It's about 6000 galleons per student, per year. Your portion would then be 2000 galleons per student, and an additional 50 galleons for textbooks and other school supplies each."
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i tried to mirror her actions from the first book for this scene when she went with Harry and Ron for the midnight duel.
"I wasn't asking permission," Hermione interrupted. "Either I come with you, or we find out what the older students think about all this."
The Legacy of Merlin
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