yo man what happened?
While Hiruzen was proud that the new Genins were already proving their mettle, Tobirama had a much different opinion. "Those Genins should have reported the incident to their superiors or to you the moment they learned of that man's treachery. Instead they acted recklessly and could have gotten themselves killed. The Uchiha almost dying is proof of that." Tobirama replied sternly.
Anime & Comics · MonkWithAPen
Bro, you got Charlie's personality absolutely right
"Alright," Charlie muttered to himself, setting the coffee down. "Let's see how bad I can screw this up."
TV · NotYggdra
He may be out of line, but he's right.
Charlie blinked. "What do you mean? This is—this is Two and a Half Men at its finest!" He motioned dramatically around the room. "Kid, uncle, woman who's mad at me. Classic setup!"
TV · NotYggdra
Volume 2: As The Light Shines — End.
Video Games · Unusual_
This chaps definitely a 9
Bro isn't surviving 😭
'To do list: Tomorrow, smack the shit out of Shi Woo and get drunk,' Toji thought, a flicker of dark amusement dancing in his eyes.
Anime & Comics · SeruAz
"... hn," Naoya muttered, his defiance waning as he crossed his arms, staring at the floor.
Anime & Comics · SeruAz
Author Note : Welp, see you guys later in two weeks or a month. Also give me your comments your heartless freak 🔪 😶🌫️
Anime & Comics · SeruAz
tThe unholy alliance 😭☠️💀
Position: Puppet Prime Minister in a government formed by BJP and INC.
1996 : I become the Prime Minister Of India