it should be suspended not expelled
"Mrs. Gallaghar, Mr. Carpenter, and Mr. Taylor, the school will investigate the video, and until then, all of your sons will be expelled. Now, please leave my office. I've had enough shock for one day, which might not be good for my old heart," the Principal said.
Movies · thelightedghost
Love the story its got a steady pacing so its not too fast or slow, the characters are likeable and has some nice family moments which are nice to see, but the main this is it actually focuses on the game development.
Thanks for the chapter, cant wait for the next
Iv said it before but I love how supportive they are of him, its a nice change instead of them always being against or neutral
Zanichi chuckled, ruffling his son's hair. "Like I said, son—you don't need to worry about that. I want to help you achieve your dream. Besides, once your company takes off, you'll be making far more than what I've given you. Right?"
Video Games · Zaborn_1997
I really like the pacing of the story so far its not too fast and not too slow so its keeping me engaged, the main thing I'm wondering about is why is he not getting them patented, until he does others could steal his tech and there would be nothing he could do about it, as its something that is so revolutionary people would with out a second thought
I really love how supportive his dad is and is using it as a learning opportunity for his son, it shows he cares and respects him
Whoop, glad you are choosing an world that is not the MCU or some other over used one as the second world.
Because the world he was heading to was none other than World of Warcraft.
Book&Literature · bobthewriter
other universes are ok, but it needs to one have a way to drive the plot forward, also should be more like an ark where she stays there for a bit, also if she does then she shouldn't be immediately one of the strongest things there, there should be a challenge, whether that is an opponent or an issue to contend with. That being said there is a lot you could do in the hp world first
I noticed before that he referred to Alaric as a Muggle, not a Muggleborn, why is that as a Muggle is one without magic?
—How is that possible? He is so young and a Muggle at that. It's one thing to have such high magical skills, but to possess such high magic power?
Book&Literature · bobthewriter
It was that kind of thinking that made whales an endangered species
And there are plenty of whales in the sea. So why not hunt some of them to feed his people and bring new resources to sell in the market?
Wizard Lord of Westeros
Book&Literature · Vanguard_V