'Start it will with joy and laughter, the pained tears and screams come after, continuing this cycle until, eventually adapt you will. Tenderness and care as well as pleasure, violence and death in equal measure.'
Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
🥲womp 🥲womp🥲, moving on....😮💨
Both of the boys look at me in confusion. Neither of them knows who I am. I am used to this gaze. No one ever knows me. Why would you, if I am walking next to the Princess of Dorne? No one ever bothers to look at me. I am no one important.
Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
why would he stay in an inn? did the great lord Lannister even offer accomodations ?
Robert returned to the inn and fell asleep after eating a hearty meal. He was quite exhausted, but not physically. Mentally he felt like he spent days doing very complicated work. He was only 11, almost 12 so that much was understandable. It is different to fight for hours or lift heavy weights than to do surgery for hours without a break.
Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
this way of giving pic is about to be your signature move
stannis face be like" ughh"
When Robert was not yet 2 name days old, his younger brother was born, Stannis Baratheon. Robert was happy about having a younger brother to spend time with and contrary to his own beliefs, he fell in love with his brother immediately.
Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h
Cedric is from another fic, who also got the Hercules method as a boon
Success: Elixir and a random body strengthening technique.
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
"Watch your step, kid! Are you blind or what?!" Jon snapped, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're lucky we even let you on this ship, but it seems you've turned complacent because of the captain's kundness... maybe I should teach you a lesson in his stead?" he scolded, his tone laced with menace.
Anime & Comics · Wicked132
so closer to moon knight colouring
"Yeah, let's go now" Eve said happily as they both ducked into a nearby alleyway. When they went deep in the alleyway, Eves clothes started giving of a dim, pink light. Her clothes changed from her casual attire to a skimpy, flamboyant pink 'hero' suit and domino mask."You know you look like a prostitute dressed like that, right?" Adam said a little annoyed at Eves choice of clothing. As he said this he, and everything he wore and carried, dissipated into a white light and reconfigured and condensed into a taller, more muscular, version of himself dressed in a white, skintight, radiant, superhero suit with gold accents. His hair went a platinum blonde colour and his eyes were pure white with a glimmer. He wore no mask but the chances of people recognising him is nearly impossible with all his changes.
Invincible: Adam and Eve
Anime & Comics · Omen_of_Oblivion