Fucking damn it, this just popped into my head due to the "expert on making money" line. Every time Green has a lightbulb moment, it's in the shape of a money symbol.
Green, ever the expert on making money, gave Ash a look of begrudging respect. "I see what happened… You sneaky son of a gun. You started an entire Tauros breeding company, didn't you?"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
He says, being fucking immortal lmao
Then again I had more money than I could reasonably spend in my lifetime so my perspective may have been just a tiiiny bit skewed.
Video Games · Rastislav
You know I doubt this is accurate, but this nickname just came to mind and it’s funny. There’s the Cuckmeister
As they turned the corner Ash finally saw the people he wanted to see, Gengar's former trainer and his girlfriend, Ash said nothing and slowed his pace raising his voice slightly as he spoke to Chloe, "So, the first thing you need to know about Gengar is-" he said this just as he was passing by the blond boy,
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Don’t forget about Bagon, Salamence is a menace
He did want to use them at some point, but he wasn't sure if he'd do it here in Johto. Maybe some other time. Sinnoh, perhaps? Or Hoenn?
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Xebec, he did eat it
[Fruit Image (in Discord)]
Anime & Comics · Paradox_
Man you are getting mollywopped by tests, also hope ya hand heals up good, burns suck.
Also i have another test so that is fun, wish me luck and ima put on some burn Ointment
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
It's not like fully accurate to the moment, mainly since hybrids don't exist in this world I imagine (Yes I know about the bird trio combination mugufinry, I meant naturally) and there's also no gal Garchomp, but eh, it works enough I think lol to what Charizard is gonna be dealing with soon enough maybe, aka kids lol
Misty and Yellow also nodded as they all started to walk down, and Abra appeared on Ash's shoulder, with a final look back, they saw Charizard waving at them,
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
My machinations run true lol
"You see, that Egg is Charizard's," he revealed, making Oak almost stumble over, but he grabbed the Egg and quickly understood, throwing some papers off his desk, he grabbed a nearby incubator and put it in safely.
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Brock is probably so jelly of Charizard's game rn lol, mans impressed basically a whole valley of girlzards via running the fade.
Brock looked a little defeated since he tried hitting on Liza a few more times and failed. He nodded, "Yeah, let's go,"
Anime & Comics · Katsu39
Quick question, this is a fate fanfiction correct?
The Wicked Warrior in Greek Mythology
Anime & Comics · Mujun_Sama